Monday, November 20, 2017



We had a little lie in this morning as little princess ‘ Reina’ is not back with us until tomorrow, she’s then with us for four days, hopefully, that’s if the folks shift patterns don’t change. After freshening up we had our normal breakfast of ‘ Weetabix’ toast & tea before getting another week on the go down here in sunny Manilva.

I then called Jack & Lyn on the ‘ Skype’ landline to arrange a video hook up, sadly they are still having problems with the ‘ Skype’ video system so we went to ‘ Plan B’ – I called them on the ‘facebook messenger’ video, which worked, so we had a nice catch up with all their news over in a very sunny Australia ( 31degs+)

They are both well and looking forward to Christmas, they have sold their caravan to a neighbour after going away for the last time in it, for four days. We are going to make contact with them again before Xmas, we are starting to make arrangements for all the ‘ Skype’ calls over the festive period, Sandra & Bill over in Everett, Ontario, Canada are already on the list for ‘ Boxing Day’ as they have all the family with them, watch this space.

While we were up in the office/studio we had a call, on our landline, from our dear friend Joyce, from Chester she has just arrived over here at her house in ‘Alhaurin el Grande’ above Malaga, she has not been out for a while, due to the ‘Monarch ‘ airline going bust, there are only a few expensive flights from Manchester at the moment, so we are making contact with her and will meet up for good catch up with all her news & ours!

The week has started warm & sunny, as forecast, but it’s still very crisp in the shade, the rest of the week and over the weekend is staying the same, hovering on the 21 degs mark, next week we could be in for some of the wet stuff as there is a nasty front on the horizon coming in off the Atlantic, watch this space.

See below a picture of the ‘Pier Head’ in Liverpool yesterday with a weekend ‘ Fair’ along the sea-front.

Finally the ‘ Contract’ workmen have arrived in ‘ Calle Mar’ this morning and have started digging up the street by ‘ Bar Castillo ‘ – they have also moved the ‘Portakabin Office’ into the lay-by, all the trees that were left have now been dug up, are the ' Palm Trees ' next?! 

See below for the latest pictures as the work commences.

For our supper this evening we are having the rest of ‘Smoked Chicken & Three Green Bean Risotto’ We are having our ‘ Weekly Menu ‘ planning meeting later, watch this space.

NB;  On Tuesday it's going to be ' Grilled Gammon Steaks ' with all the trimmings & twice-cooked ' Chips, then on Wednesday I'm making a ' Chicken & Mushroom Tarragon Pie '

Yesterday the new TV System went off, after trying all the re-connect programmes, with no luck, I remembered that we were on a month’s trail offer, which finished yesterday! Lee is going to arrange, later today, to install the system on a full 3 monthly contract, watch this space.

This meant that last night we were back on ‘Spanish TV’ for the night; after catching up with the Spanish news we then watched a film “ Oblivion “ from 2013, a post-apocalyptic science fiction film, starring Tom Cruise, Morgan Freeman, Andrea Riseborough & Olga Kurylenko. Later I stayed up and watched another Tom Cruise film “ A Few Good Men “ from 1992, with Demi Moore, Jack Nicholson, Kevin Bacon and Kiefer Sutherland, in a American court-martial drama.


This morning Pedro was taking the car across to the ‘ITV – MOT ‘ centre in Estepona, as it was fully booked on Friday, when on the way the engine blew up! He had to call a breakdown wagon and bring it back to the garage, we had heard a strange sound the other day when we were out, the engine is ‘ Kaput’ as he says!! It means that we need a new engine etc, not the right time for the problem to happen, watch this space for the news update.

Thoughts for the Day;  See above.

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