Monday, July 24, 2017


MONDAY 24th/ JULY 2017.

We had a little lie in this morning after a very hot and uncomfortable night, after freshening up we had our breakfast of ‘Crispy Smoked English Back Bacon ‘ smothered in ‘HP’ Brown sauce Butties! With mugs of strong ‘ PG ‘ Tips – to set us up for the week ahead.

No dogs in ‘ Doggy World Heaven’ until Wednesday when ‘ Reina’ is back with us for three days, on Friday ‘ Chico’ returns for a three day sleep-over, ‘Chispa’ has been in & out all weekend and has already been in this morning.

The Maintenance men called on Friday afternoon and did a temporary repair on the toilet cistern in the upstairs bathroom, they are due back tomorrow with a new part to finish the job, then on Thursday evening we have a local friend coming to re-grout the bathroom tiles and floor, on another day he’s going to do some work on the downstairs bathroom tiles as well as repair the wooden door frame that is buckling in the heat, watch this space.

Talking of heat, this morning the sun was out very early and the sky is bright blue, there is no breeze so it was already very hot and sunny before lunchtime, 34/35 degs+ -getting hotter as the week goes on, the weekend is also going to be a hot one in all senses of the word, watch this space.

The Council workmen are out in force this morning, they are finishing putting up the green sun awnings & lights, erecting the two stages and repairing the cobbles on the pavements, Brenda went along to the Chemists in ‘Calle Mar’  for our prescription tablets etc, I then went down to our Butchers to stock up with ‘Chicken Wings, Escalopes of Chicken Breast and diced Beef’ for another day.

For our supper this evening we are having the ‘ Escalopes of Chicken Breast’ pan-seared in foaming Lemon Butter, with finely sliced Green Beans and thick-cut slices of Baked Potato dry- sautéed. The rest of the week we are taking one day at the time.

Finally I ventured out again in the lunchtime sun and went down to the ‘Council Planning Office’ to confirm that tomorrow morning they are finalising the paperwork and payments for the Garage Parking, Fingers crossed, watch this space.

Tomorrow evening after supper we are going along to watch the ‘ Manilva Brass Band Concert ‘ which is on the top stage in ‘Calle Mar’- it starts at 10-00 pm after the sun has gone down, then on Wednesday morning the ‘ Santa Ana Festival’ starts early with the ‘ Chi Chi Pom Band’  waking up the village, in the morning there are children’s games along the street and then in the early evening the Religious Procession led by the Brass Band leaved the Church of ‘Santa Ana’ and parades along Call Mar, later there is music and dancing into the wee small hours, with of course lots of drinking & eating!

On Friday the ‘ Feria ‘ kicks off with three days of events, stalls, parades, fair, guest bands, on both stages and top artists ‘Las Carlotas ‘ – the singing sisters from Seville performing on the opening night!

                                               It’s going to be a “ HELLUVA WEEK “ in sunny Manilva !!

Last night after supper we caught the next episode of ‘Poldark’ – with sex, death and politics, Demelze discovered that she has young, ardent admirer, Poldark rebuffed an invitation to become the MP after the local one died, then nasty George jumped at the chance, the old aunt died, the Randy Vicar turned nasty to his young pregnant wife, her sister has come to the rescue, the truth of whose Elizabeths Baby the fathers is, still needs to be revealed, two more episodes to see what revenge George will take on his wife Elizabeth, Poldark’s first love, and will he save his marriage?! Watch this space.

See below a picture of the ' Snowdon Horseshoe'  in North Wales on a good day,

PS; We have just received two postcards from Sandra & Bill over in Canada, when they visited ‘Long Island’ the other weekend, thanks, and keep them coming, from all our family and friends all over the World.

Thoughts for the Day;  See above.


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