Sunday, December 27, 2015



We had a little lie in this morning before taking ‘Barny & Charlie’ out for their first walk of the day, it was grey and overcast with a stiff breeze blowing in from the Atlantic which is thankfully keeping the rain away from us, for now! We will catch up with the weather forecast later for the week ahead, hopefully keeping dry and fine to see us into the New Year.

After breakfast we had our weekly planning meeting to sort ourselves out into 2016! Tomorrow morning ‘Reina’ is arriving very early for her weeks holiday with us as Lee & Daniela are off to New York for their belated ‘Honeymoon’( 1 year!) On Wednesday ‘Barny’ is due to be picked up when the folks return from their Xmas holiday skiing in Switzerland; ‘Charlie’ is with us until the following Monday when Brian & Jan come back from holiday over in Tenerife. I’m popping down to Sabinillas also on Wednesday to do some essential shopping, the ‘Menu’ planning meeting is tomorrow morning!

                                            " NEWSFLASH " " BREAKING NEWS "  " CASTLE RADIO FM 89.2 "

Sadly the local community radio station is having to 'close down' this evening due to Andrew the Owner/Presenter no longer being able to sustain the losses;our thoughts go out to him and his wife Karen who have provided a service to the people of the Manilva area, it will be sadly missed by all its listeners! On a personal front it means that my 'Blossoming' radio career in 2016 is over even before it started! Thank you Andrew for giving me the chance to broadcast live to the 'Masses' !! Watch this space.

PS, Andrew has just confirmed that there is a change in the game plan, its a short 'Hiatus' for a month or two to re group & restructure;many of the regular shows will continue so watch this space!!

For this evenings supper its ‘Cold Cuts’ time, we have the ‘Roast Norfolk Turkey’ ( think ‘Bernard Mathews!) ‘ Roast Rib of Local Beef’ which is ‘Pink’ and melts in your month and tastes delicious; we will have a ‘fry-up’ of the leftover vegetables & potatoes. I’ve given the ‘staff’ ( Brenda!) the day off so she’s pampering herself at the moment and we are going to take things easy for the rest of the day, at lunchtime I’m going up to ‘Bar Castillo’ for a ‘Take-Out’ Paella!

Yesterday afternoon I watched the excellent coverage on Channel 4 of the horse racing from Kempton Park when ‘Cue Card ‘ won the ‘King George V1 Chase’ in a thrilling race; over in the ‘Premiere League’ Liverpool won 1-0, Manchester City won 4-1 and Everton scored with the final kick of the game to win 0-1! Then in the evening after supper we watched the ‘Top Gear’ special of the high lights from the whole series before channel hopping.

I can't get into the old costume now!! ( 7 years ago ) 

Thoughts for the Day; See above.


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