Tuesday, November 18, 2014



‘Reina’ arrived as usual early this morning and went straight upstairs to bed with Brenda! I then did the same!!  We all had a little lie in until the shop delivery man dragging his pallet of goods down the street woke us up.

The sun is out, the sky is blue and there is no breeze, another beautiful day here in sunny Manilva with more to come and getting a little warmer as the week goes on, fingers crossed for another nice weekend; after breakfast I went along to the bank in Calle Mar to pay the electricity bill, later we will go for a nice walk with ‘Reina’ & ‘Chispa’ around the village.See the pictures below,

Today is an at home day so Brenda is catching up with all the chores, mopping, ironing, cleaning, dusting etc.
Meanwhile I’m as you can see up in the office keeping out of the way on the WWW catching up with all the news,E-Mails,facebook messages etc.

For our supper this evening we are having ‘Escalope of Chicken Breast’ cooked on the griddle with finely sliced Green Beans and dry-sautéed thick cut Baked Potatoes with a ‘Chefs’ streak of a creamy Curry sauce!

At this time of the year the reading drops off a bit as we don’t like having the main lights on in the late afternoon, it’s too bright, so we read when the natural light is OK.

This evening after our supper we will try and find something to watch as I channel hop around the 55 channels we now have including ‘Gibraltar TV’- its like going back fifty years to British TV! - and some stations from Morocco, believe it or not we can watch a film in English with either French or Moroccan sub-titles!


Thoughts for the Day; See above.



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