Tuesday, February 16, 2016



I got up this morning to see ‘Reina’ back with us for the day, as usual she shot upstairs and into her duvet, Brenda is staying in bed this morning so I took her a cup of tea and a piece of toast along with her tablets, her ankle is giving her jip and she is not a ‘Happy Bunny’ or a good patient!

Overnight the temperature dropped to 6 degs, the lowest we have had since we have been here, we can’t complain as over in North Wales it was minus 6 degs! During the day it reaches to 16 degs, at the moment, with clear blue skies and the sun out, tomorrow it will be even a bit warmer but then on Thursday & Friday some of the wet stuff is forecast as well as going a little colder. Watch this space

‘Chispa’ has just arrived and is trying to play with Reina’ who does not want to know, she has the wind in her tail and is running around the house like the ‘mad’ dog that she is, also she can’t understand why Brenda is still in bed!

I have just made the evening supper, the aromas are wafting around the house, “ Beef & Mushroom Stew with Vegetables” – I sweat off diced, Onions, Shallots, Garlic, Leeks, Celery, Carrots & Turnips and lots of Mushrooms with a good slug of Brenda’s Red Wine along with the secret ingredients, dust the cubed Braising Steak and brown off and then add to the pot, adjust the seasoning and add some Tomato Frito to taste, I then add a good strong Beef & Vegetables stock, its then left to cook out normally under the ‘Second Chef’s’  (Brenda!) supervision but on this occasion I’m running up and down stairs to check it!

Yesterday afternoon Mano & Anna called in for a chat and gossip and a cup of tea and a ‘Kit Kat’ ( Iceland! ) again. Mano is normally off on a Monday night but this week he is having to work, he adjusted Brenda’s crepe bandage while he was here, many years ago he was ‘Medic’ in the ‘Spanish Foreign Legion’ so he knows what he is doing! Brenda is getting up a little later to freshen up and then settle downstairs on the settee in front to the TV by the side of the Oil Heater!  I’m on ‘ Bandage’ duty!!

Just a quick reminder to all our family & friends all over the World to keep sending the ‘Postcards’ when you are out and about, on holiday etc, we enjoy receiving them and my third board has some space and you get one back from us in sunny Manilva!

Thoughts for the Day; See above.


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