Tuesday, July 23, 2019


MONDAY 22nd/ JULY 2019.

We were both up very early this morning and after a quick freshen up we got another week on the go, I shot down to the main ‘ Medical Centre’ for my emergency appointment with our Doctor, Natalia, she has adjusted my prescription tablets/antibiotic tablets etc, she then checked my right leg (Celluiltis) which is improving/clearing, then my left arm( Herpes Zostos) which is also is clearing, but is still very uncomfortable, I now have nasty ‘ Heat-Type’ rash over the back of my body, which is also caused by the antibiotics, hopefully now under control!

She also readjusted my dosage of my Insulin injections after checking my Blood/Glucose readings and made an appointment with the ‘Practise Nurse’ later in the morning to check out all the equipment etc, which meant that I had to go back down when it was even hotter and more difficult to park!

At this time of the year it’s very difficult to park, even early in the morning, due to all the holiday makers cars, so I had to walk in the hot sunshine, as there was no shade, they have the ‘air-con’ on in the centre, so while you wait it gets rather uncomfortable, to say the least, by the time I went in I was like a wet rag, when I returned home I was drained! Brenda treated me to ‘Toasted Smoked Bacon Butties’ – smothered in ‘ HP’ Brown sauce – open on brown for herself, with mugs of tea.

I then went for a ‘ Siesta’ to get myself sorted for the next visit down to Sabinillas later in the morning, which was the same but even hotter, very hot in the sun(no shade)  and even longer to walk! When I came home later I collapsed on the bed, for an even longer ‘Siesta’ – hence there being no ‘Blog’ today, as later in the afternoon it’s too hot in the office/studio, to type/post it, even with the fan on! “ SORRY” !!

Back at the house Brenda had welcomed back little’ Miss Bella’ for the day, she’s back on Tuesday also, later in the afternoon ‘ Scruffy’ was being dropped off for a few hours, he’s back on Tuesday/Friday, with us in ‘ Doggy World Heaven’ – as usual ‘ Chispa’ has been in and out, all the time to see her friends.

As you can guess it was very hot and clammy today, the sun was out early and the sky was clear & blue, there was just a very slight breeze so by lunchtime it was due to reach 29 degs+ in the shade, tomorrow is still showing on all the forecasts ‘Rain’?! The Temperatures are still hovering in the high 20s, getting hotter as the week goes on, by the ‘ Feria Santa Ana Weekend’ up to 31 degs+ we are in for a ‘ Hot-One’ – next week is another very hot week, watch this space.

Along ‘Calle Mar’ the Council workmen are starting to erect the two stages, in the ‘Plaza de la Vendimia’ the fairground rides have started to appear, as well as all the food stalls etc - ready for the start of all the celebrations for the ‘Feria Santa Ana’ starting on Thursday evening.

See below, all the information:

See below some pictures from the ‘ Flamenco ‘ concert in the ‘ Casa del Torres’ Cultural Centre on Saturday evening as well as the “Luna Llena “ party down on the beach in Sabinillas, on Saturday evening also!

Over in Liverpool another new cruise line berthed at the ‘Pier Head’ – the “ Viking Jupiter “ with the ' Sichem Ruby' passing !

See below;

For our supper we had the rest of the cold ‘Poached Chicken Breast’ sliced with Mixed Salad and a few twice-cooked ‘ Chips’! On Tuesday we are having ‘ Steak Sandwiches ‘ – again with Mixed Salad and a few ‘ Frits’

We then after supper channel hopped and found a very interesting documentary on the two centres being built in Manchester & London, they are the first ‘ Proton Beam ‘ projects in the UK, which have the potential to save the lives of children with otherwise incurable cancers! It’s like building a underground reactor in the center of the cities, it showed if from the start of digging the largest ‘ holes’ in the ground to completion and treating their first patient! A 250 million pound investment from the NHS!

Thoughts for the Day ; See above.


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