Monday, November 05, 2018



We had a little lie in this morning, after freshening up and showering later, Brenda is shampooing her hair, I was on duty for breakfast so we had ‘Toasted Crispy Smoked Bacon Butties’ – open on brown for Brenda, with mugs of strong, sweet tea, to set us up for the week ahead!

As we were getting ready this morning we were listening to the ‘ Breakfast Show’ with Andrew Charles, on ‘ Castle Radio FM 89.2 & Online on the WWW’ – the first ‘Music Quiz’ of the week came on, after he had played the regular spot, on every morning, five days a week, of ‘ Sir Malcolm Sexton’s Horizontal Dancing’ track, which he selects from my old ‘Live’ programme! I got the 7 second quiz, straight away, it was ‘ Wilson Picket’ with the classic ‘ Mustang Sally’ from 1966!

This evening we are going down to the main ‘Medical Centre’ in Sabinillas for our Anti-Flu injections (Gripe!) – on Wednesday morning I have my appointment with our Doctor, Natalia, for a check-up/review, before my six month review with the ‘Prostate Consultant ‘ in December at the ‘ Costa Del Sol Hospital, over in Marbella.

In ‘ Doggy World Heaven’ this week little princess ‘ Reina’ is back with us on Friday morning for the day, it will be nice to see her, ‘ Scruffy’ is due back with us later in the month, everyday ‘ Chispa’ is in & out to see us, she is missing all her friends! Watch this space.

Overnight as the wind got up we had light showers, this morning has started a little grey & overcast, with still the threat of the ‘ wet-stuff’ in the air, it’s also gone cooler, as forecast, down to 17/18 degs, overnight 10/11 degs, the rest of the week is now looking unsettled, with patchy clouds, and the sun breaking through occasionally, hovering in the 20s, next week we are in for more of the same, watch this space.

Over the weekend, in Liverpool, down on the River Mersey, they had a “ A River of Light’ – a very large fireworks display, set to music, based on large barges in the middle of the river! We watched it ‘ Live’ on a news-page, it was very impressive, see below a small selection of pictures, taken from the Salt House Dock!

This evening we are having ‘ Cold Roast Lemon Chicken’ with the ‘Mixed Herb & Chestnut Stuffing’ – with a selection of Vegetables & Potatoes, the weeks Menu’s are still to be agreed, watch this space.

Just a very quick update on the football results; Manchester City won 6-1 and are two points clear at the top of the ‘Premier League’ - over Liverpool!

Last night after supper, we settled down to watch the second episode of “ The Little Drummer Girl “ – it’s all starting to come back to me, I read the ‘John le Carre’ book back in the 80s,  the adaption is very impressive, the production team’ attention to detail is memorising, you have to concentrate, all the time, as the plot unfolds, watch it to find out what it’s all about!

Thoughts for the Day;  See above.


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