Friday, February 25, 2011



On Tuesday morning we went down to Duquesa Marina and went for a walk along the front towards Sabinillas; we took Cheta out with us, it was her first time in the car and on the beach and she got very excited as we strolled along the parade which the local council has been working on, all the local councils along the coast back to Marbella are extending the sea front promenades and joining them up. We had been woken up in the morning when they started painting and repairing the Town Hall, at long last but sadly not in time for the weekend celebrations and party for Andalucia Day ! We took the pictures of the Cherry Picker at the same time as the plant pictures outside our house. The weather is getting better everyday and the temperatures are going up to 25degs over the weekend. In the evening we had the English Pork Chops for dinner, I baked them in the over with Apple slices in a Lemon Butter sauce and made Lyonnaise Potatoes along with Brenda’s special Cabbage.

Wednesday was another glorious day so we went for our walk on the front in Sabinillas and at the same time called in to the agents to get things going on the Smart Car update and change to Spanish plates; we are now waiting for the quotes from the garage at the same time and will look at things next week after the bank holiday celebrations at the weekend. In the afternoons Brenda is now out on the roof terrace taking in the warm sunshine before we have our evening cocktails and nibbles! For supper we had thin slices of Lambs Liver, cooked pink with Sauté Onions, Smoked Bacon and Chipolata Sausage all from the English butches, for a change, together with Brenda’s Mashed Potatoes and more Cabbage! Later we watched a film on the TV and some sport.

In the morning on Thursday I made a Chicken and Mushroom Pie ( See Pictures below ) A La “ Sexton ” which is my own recipe and contains Diced Carrots,Onions,Celery,Spring Onions and Red Peppers along with a White wine cream sauce and the secret ingredients ! As I finished the pie mix Mano and Anna called in, they were originally coming around for dinner but their plans had changed and so had to take a rain check, also the Halal Lamb for Sunday is going to be on another weekend as Mano has some on going business to attend too; watch this space ! In the evening I watched the football on the PC, first it was the Liverpool match, they won and then to follow they showed the Manchester City game which City won and scored three goals! The pie was delicious, even if I do say so my self ! We have put the rest away in the deep freeze for another day – honest !!

Today as usual on a Friday we went down to Sabinillas to do the shopping, call in the bank, collect the English local papers and progress the Smart Car change as the agents have come in with a very good quote; in the supermarket I picked up Hake again as we enjoyed it so much last week, we are having it fried in Spanish Batter (Flour) with square Chips and Mushy Peas. At lunchtime we went for our walk around the village with Cheta,they have started to build the stages for the weekend as you can see in the picture below; we ended up down by the Mirador at the entrance to Manilva next to Bodega Augustin ( The Office ) Mano and Anna had some Tapas there the other day and said that they were fab! We checked their display out and it was very good,fresh and different as well as cheap so we will give it a try soon. It is all happening this weekend with the big celebrations taking place all day on Sunday; the band and Choir are out as well as other local music,singing and dancing as we celebrate Andalucia Day- watch out for the report and pictures.

Thought for the Day;

Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.


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