Saturday, November 24, 2012



We are just about getting away with the weather at the moment, the sun is around and there is no wind or rain and the temperature is staying at around the 20degs mark; on Thursday we had an at home day and started to think about Christmas, we are spending it with Mano and Anna, Carlos, Anna Mari and Fabio and this year Sally Ann, Domenico and Dylan; we have three plans so far depending on when Mano and Carlos are working so it will be a last minute decision. We have dug out the Xmas decorations and have our first Poinsettia in the lounge all ready!  I watched on the BBCIPlayer ‘ Later with Jools’ – Sinead O’Connor was very good, she still has a ‘Helluva ’voice and the first number she did-rocked! Jools then went on the Hammond Organ and accompanied ‘Mud Morganfield, Muddy Waters eldest son on a real blues oldie ! I picked up some Calf’s  Liver in the morning and we had it thinly sliced, dusted in flour and cooked ‘Pink ’in foaming Butter with Crispy Smoked Bacon, well done English Pork Sausages, Sauté Onions and Tomato and a Baby New Potatoes. The late film was a ‘Quirky ’classic called “ Accidental Hero ”from 1993,Dustin Hoffman is in the main part with the excellent Andy Garcia and Geena Davies in the supporting roles. It looks like the next series of films is going to be from the John Travolta catalogues. Later I caught the ‘ Spain on the Road again ’programme which this week was around Barcelona; they ended up in the Michelin*** “ Sant Pau ” in San Pol De Mar, the Chef is ‘ Carme Ruscalleda ’who is the highest rated female chef in the world with five stars in total as she has two for her restaurant in Tokyo – the food was sublime as she showed them in the kitchen how the dish’s were cooked.

On Friday morning we shot down to Sabinillas for the shopping and called into the English bookshop for the papers, books and Xmas cards,( also the Wedding Anniversary card for next week!) - watch out to see if you are on the Xmas list! It gets smaller every year !! The flower man was back in the market in the village after his holidays so we back to fresh flowers in the lounge. In the evening for supper we had some large ‘ Gambas ’in the shell from the fish market which I cooked ‘ Andalusia Style ’on Sea Salt on the plancha ( Griddle Plate ) – you then dive in with your hands and of course you must suck the heads ! On the side we had a rich dipping Langoustine sauce – mouth watering ! We then watched, again ‘ Jackie Brown ’which of course was written and directed by Quentin Tarantino.

Thoughts for the Day;

With average or even minimum ability, success is still possible. Everybody has talent.




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