Sunday, November 18, 2012



A day at home was called for as it was a little overcast and cool; up on Called Mar the council have started, and finished, putting up the Xmas lights – due to the financial limitations that is it for this year as you can see in the pictures below! So it was a washing, drying and ironing day for Brenda as I decamped to the office on the WWW. After catching up I watched on the BBCIPlayer ‘ Later with Jools’ with as usual a great mix of music including the excellent Ellie Goulding with a ‘Helluva’ voice and Larry Graham playing ‘Funk Bass Guitar ’- which he invented! A have finished the “50 Shades” trilogy and I have to say that it has not lived up to all the hype; Brenda is off the same feeling and especially the last book in the series which has a terrible( None ) ending – not to give the plot away ! In the evening for supper we had ‘ Burgers al la Sexton ’ – our butcher makes then daily with a choice of Pork. Chicken or Beef – he also sells the sweet burger bap’s – Brenda had a Cheese Burger made with a slice of Gouda, it is just right and melts a forms around the burger, with it she had crisp Lettuce, sliced Beef Tomato, Gherkins and just cooked sliced Onions – meanwhile I had my burger, no Cheese, with all the trimmings and a fried Egg on top ! Of course we had crisp Spanish fries and Heinz Tomato Ketchup !! The late film was a rather good, if violent, tale of Seal hunters called “ The Sea Wolf ”from 2009 – with Tim Roth, Sebastian Koch, Stephen Campbell Moore and Neve Campbell.

On Friday morning we did the shopping down in Sabinillas and picked up the papers; we called into the local market in the village for our fresh vegetables and flowers, sadly the flower man was not there and on the way back to the house I picked up some Steak a la Plancha from our butchers for Sunday evening as we are out on Saturday. For supper we had for a change some Baked Salmon tail fillets in a Provencale sauce with baby New Potatoes and Garden Peas. The late film was “ The Devil’s Own ”from 1997 –is an IRA/USA action story with Brad Pitt and Harrison Ford playing the parts of two Irish men, both with very hard to understand accents ! One is the goodie and one is the baddie – watch it to find out !

Thought for the Day;

Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.



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