Friday, October 06, 2006


Fri. 6th, Oct.

This was our maintenence day,have to do the honours every 3/4 days,
i.e. water, waste etc. and any other little jobs, after this went into our
friends mobile and had a film show of the various things we've been
doing, Eddie had also been taking a video of Malcolm performing i.e.
carving the lamb and serving dinner the previous night. He also put our
films on from our new camcorder and camera, the video is exceptionally
good, its a shame we can't produce some pictures on the website.
We then had a spot of lunch in a Routiers Truckers Cafe ,(a place Eddy
had spotted whilst out cycling). It only cost 9 euros for a four course
lunch and it was really good,Wine was 1 euro litre bottle, wouldn't have
thought to go in but he had called in there before. It was then time to say
goodbye after a marvelous week with them. Will really miss them.

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