Thursday, February 21, 2013



Well it was goodbye for now as I dropped David and Jane at the border for a short walk to Gibraltar Airport; I say I as Brenda could not come with us as Gillian had e-mailed and asked if I could drop her off at the airport on one of her regular trips home to the Isle of Wight as it turned out on the same day! Then she asked if it was at all possible that I could taker her friend Josie, who we know to the airport at the same time as she was flying out on the same day as well! So the Sexton taxi service ended up with four passengers and no room for Brenda!! Thanks to David and Jane for a “ Helluva” weekend with us over here in a not too sunny Manilva as it turned out.

Back to normal for now at home, Brenda has had the washing machine going at full blast as she catches up and we settle down to life in sunny Manilva; Mano and Anna called in at lunchtime to catch up with any news and gossip – thanks to them once again for making us all very welcome on Sunday. In the evening for supper we had Chicken Schnitzels made with fresh breadcrumbs with Sauté Potatoes and sliced Green Beans and on the side my own Tomato sauce along with plenty of Lemon Wedges – ‘mmm’ ummy! We then caught up with the news and weather on TVE1.

Tuesday morning was back to clear blue skies and the sun was out, typical so Brenda was able to get all her washing out up on the roof terrace; we then went for a very long walk around the village and took the pictures below of ‘The Roundabouts of Manilva’ as you can see, the main one at the entrance to the village by Bodega Augustin is yet to be finished, watch this space. First thing in the morning I had shot down to the surgery to see the nurse to get my stitches out, no problem. We then had a quite day at home catching up with the chores, I was in the office trying to fix my technical hitch with the ‘Google Crome’ that had gone off and stopped me from posting my blogs;Andy was not able to come to fix it until Thursday when he was off, in the meantime he suggested that I try the old system on ‘Internet Explorer’- after many tries I managed to get it to work and was able to catch up with the blogs – result as you can see! For supper on Tuesday we had ‘Albondigas in Salsa Tomate’with Spaghetti – Meatballs!

We awoke on Wednesday to more sunshine and fine weather; after our tea and toast with fresh Orange juice, our neighbor passed in a large net of the Oranges from her Campo. We went for a walk with the dog who is back with us after missing us over the weekend. When we returned I made a large pan of ‘Scouse’to keep us going for a couple of days, we had it for supper with baby Beetroot and Cabbage with Alselgas which we now have vast amounts of as two neighbor’s had passed it in, must be in season! We are also back to reading in the afternoon, the weather forecast for the next few days is not to good, overcast and damp but picking up at the weekend; in the evening after supper we watched a film on the Paramount Channel, it was “ Act of Valor’ from only 2012 for a change, it was a very realistic war film about US Navy Seals and US Navy Special Warfare personnel in the cast of unknown actors. Earlier we caught up with football in the UEFA Champions League, sadly in a big surprise Barcelona lost to AC Milan 2-0,Messi did not have one shot on goal and on Tuesday evening Malaga lost at FC Porto 1-0 – both have a lot of work to do in the second legs.

Thoughts for the Day;

It takes a long time to grow an old friend. Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.




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