Saturday, April 09, 2011



After our morning tea and toast we went for a walk on Thursday morning around the village, with Cheta, to see what is happening; the council painters are out smartening up various walls and the road workers are continuing to replace the kerbs and pavements, the Town Hall is now looking good but they have not put new flags out yet! The weather forecast for the weekend is very good with the temperatures for this time of the year high,30 degs and more. In the afternoon I logged on to the live sports channel on the large PC and we watched the racing from Aintree; the sun was out and the large crowds gave it a real atmosphere, in the race over the Aintree fences, The Foxhunters Chase for amateur riders a 16 year old lad won and the place went mad ! The racing was of the highest standard and the BBC coverage was excellent. For supper we had Sausage Casserole with Brenda’s mash for supper, I made it with the extra sauce from the Braised Steak and English Pork Sausages from the butchers in Duquesa Marina. Salads are starting to appear on the lunchtime menu – honest ! We then watched a film on TV, at the moment we have excellent reception and lots of channels to choose from.

Friday is shopping day so we shot down to the supermarkets and on the way back called into the local market at the bottom of the village for some flowers, I also splashed out on a new shirt, purple shiney,satin – for five euros ! Brenda says that it will do for when I go out to Disco’s !! At lunch time we went up to Bar Rojas for a drink and sat in the warm sunshine and took in the world as it passed us by. Meanwhile over in Chester David and Jane’s big day got off to good start; David has opened a new café with a difference ; The Chester Taste Café which is opposite the Roman Amphitheater features all local Cheshire products including Beef,Cheese,Apples,etc,in an extensive café/snack menu; they have furnished and equipped the place in the last few weeks and it is looking good, the menu is very inviting and when in Chester you must make a visit ! All the best to them, it will be a “ Helluva “ success !! We watched the racing again from Aintree in the afternoon and if any thing it was better then Thursday with the main race The Toptham Trophy being won by last year’s winner in a very exciting finish. I was borne and lived in Aintree so as a young boy and used to play on the fields and of course I rode my bike along the Melling road. In the evening we had Baked Baby Soles with local Prawns for dinner.

Today, Saturday we are taking it easy and just enjoying the weather as we potter about, we are now able to go out on the roof terrace in the afternoon and then come down into the chill out room for our evening cocktails as we take in the sun and listen to some loud music that I play from the small PC through the Hi Fi speakers system – “ Canned Heat and Credence Clearwater Rival ” at the moment ! And yes we do have a little jig around ! This afternoon we will watch the Grand National but it is not the same when you do not have a bet or sweep on it. Tonight we are having Steak and Chips for dinner.

PS; Ballabriggs has just won the Grand National,trained by Donald M'Cain ,Ginger's son and ridden by Jason Maguire.My horse Don't Push It,ridden by Tony McCoy was third,he won on it last year.Brenda's choice is still running !


Thought for the Day;

Life isn’t about the number of breaths we take, but the moments that take our breath away.


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