Thursday, May 03, 2012



On Tuesday morning it was sunny with clear Blue skies which for a Bank Holiday is unusual; the village is always very quiet as there are no comings and goings and most of the bars close as well as the small shops. We had an at home day and Brenda shot up onto the roof terrace, she has quite a colour already as she sits out as much as she can and reads. Mano called in in the early evening and went online to arrange the new ‘ TSE ’ health cards which should arrive in the post in about ten days ; for dinner we had pan Fried Pork Cutlets in a foaming Lime Butter with Boulangere Potatoes and Cabbage and then watched a film on the ‘ Paramount Film Channel ’ – “ Space Cowboys “ was produced and directed by Clint Eastwood in 2000. Along with him it stars Tommy Lee Jones, James Garner and Donald Sutherland as the old “ Ex test pilots ” sent on a mission to save the world! They don’t have cast’s like this these days !

Yesterday morning after our tea, toast and honey I took thing easy as the tablets are kicking in, the pain in the leg has got a lot better but the tablets are very strong and one of them is to keep the stomach under control – at the same time I am on my usual ones to keep me going ! So at the moment until I can reduce the dosages no Bacardi and Coke ! I’ am also taking things easy as told to by our Doctor so no walking with dogs – Brenda takes Derrick out four times a day and Cheta in the morning joins them – the other day when she was out with them she came across a very large Alsatian on the bottom road that took a fancy to Derrick – she picked them both up and tuned on her heels back up the hill to the main street back to Bar Rojas where Mano and I were taking in the views – as she arrived she looked very out of breath and to put it mildly just a little concerned ! She saw the funny side a bit later !! My pension arrived in the bank two days late due to the Bank Holidays in England on Monday and here on Tuesday – the good news is that the increase has come through and also yesterday the Euro reached its highest in two years ! For supper we had Escalope of Turkey Breast pan fried in Lemon Butter with Basmati rice and a rich cream Mushroom sauce before we settled down to watch the late match, it did not kick off until 10-00pm between Athetic Bilbao and Real Madrid – if Real won it meant that they had won the ‘ Liga ’ – they did 0-3 and so they and Jose Mourinho went mad – Mourinho has now won the title in four countries,Portugal, England,Italy and now Spain !! Real had not been champions since 2008, meanwhile Barcelona beat Malaga 4-1 with a hat-trick by Messi who broke the record for goals in a top flight European season – 68 ! The late film was a World War Two suspense thriller “ The Night of the Generals ” from 1967 – Starring Peter OToole,Omar Sharif,Tom Courtenay and Donald Pleasence.

This morning, Thursday I went for short walk around to the butchers and picked up some boned Chicken Legs and thighs to make a Chicken Tarragon Casserole for supper; as Brenda was out with dogs she was passing the small fish market in the village and the main man who delivers all over the village called Brenda and showed her some ‘ Dover Soles ’that he had on the van – she bought two and they skinned them in the market – not expensive so we will have then tomorrow night for dinner with baby New Potatoes and Garden peas !Tonight's film on TVE1 was an golden oldie - " Band of Angels " from back in 1957 ! It is a romantic drama based in the deep south of America before and during the War of Independence - Starring Clark Gable,Yvonne De Carlo and a young Sidney Poitier - the costumes are to die for - so Brenda says !!

Thought for the Day;

The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts.



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