Friday, August 07, 2015


FRIDAY 7th/ AUGUST 2015.

We  we were 'up and at/them' this morning and after grabbing a quick breakfast we shot down to Sabinillas for our weekly shopping;

The workmen arrived as usual on the early shift and carried on with building the brick walls & windows - see the picture below taken by Den from his back roof terrace.You can see the monstrosity/carbuncle on the top of the building which is the entrance onto the roof terrace?? - from the stairs!!

I called into the bank for some cash and then we stopped at the 'English Bookshop' for the weekly English newspapers and another book,next we went into 'Mercadona' and beat the crowds before popping along to the local market at the end of the promenade for some fresh flowers,

As we arrived back up at the house 'Chispa' was waiting to greet us home! After unpacking I shot along to the chemists in 'Calle Mar' for my tablets - 'keep taking them' - as our Doctor says!

We are taking things easy today as its very 'clammy' and rather over bearing as the sun tries to brake through, overnight the 'Sahra Sand' came in and has covered all the cars in a fine coating,it even reached into the underground car park!

As we were sat up at 'Bar Rojas' at lunchtime our dear friend Brian came along, so we had a good old catch up and gossip.

The Water Engineer has just arrived to check/find the water leak - fingers crossed - WATCH THIS SPACE! Well after nearly two hours he located the leak in a hot water pipe in the small downstairs toilet under the marble floor, we can isolate the supply for now - all we need then is for our handyman to come and fix it!! WATCH THIS SPACE - AGAIN!

After our 'Happy Hour' ( actually two)! we are going out on the 'town' this evening as its the 'Chef's & Staff' night off; we are going along to 'Bar Castillo' first for some Tapas and then will come back to 'Bar Rojas' for a late supper!

Over the next two weeks the 'Wine' pictures below have been sent to me in an E-Mail from our old customers & friends who live in France outside Caan -Terry & Alma- many thanks - enjoy your wine!

Thoughts for the Day; See above.


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