Tuesday, April 17, 2012


MONDAY/TUESDAY 16th/17th APRIL 2012.

The forecast for the week is quite good, in fact on Monday and Tuesday the sun has been out and the wind has dropped and it is warm; in the rest of Spain it is raining with storms and snow so we can’t complain! Mano is busy at work this week with a demanding family staying at the villa so we have not seen him since Friday evening; we have kept Derrick with us at our house as Mano is not at his for long, the cats are fine and also Feria the boxer who is a doll in no problem – Derrick is fine here and at night he goes to sleep on his blanket and we have to wake him up in the morning! Just after lunch on Monday Brenda took Cheta home and when she came back she did not lock the front door – normally this is fine as Derrick will not crash through the shutter like Cheta – big mistake, the little rascal was off like a shot which we only discovered when he did not arrive by my side when I went upstairs to the office as he usually does! Brenda shot off in hot pursuit down the street as last year he did the opposite when he got out of Mano’s house and ended up in the village chasing a dog that was on heat! It was the same in reverse as he was looking for any dogs as he had sniffed out that Cheta was just about to come in season ( We will have to watch them ) very closely as they play together all the time and Derrick is a little ( not that little ! ) bugger !! Brenda ended up running down to Mano’s in the hot afternoon sun as I started to collect the troops together, the neighbors and also the local police patrol in their 4x4! as I stayed back at the house outside in case he came back. The phone went and it was Brenda to say that he was down at his house and he had just woken Mano up who was home having a siesta! He is now in the ‘Dog House’ and is keeping out of Brenda’s way back here in ‘Fortress Sexton’!!!

In the evening we picked our friend Gillian up from the bus station in Marbella as she had come back on a flight from Southampton to Malaga ,she lives on the Isle of Wight and has a house in Ventnor which she has just put on the market as her tenants have left. She also arrived early as the flight had an 100 hundred mile an hour wind behind it just like Mano’s! For supper we had Steak and chips and then settled down to watch a film as we are now back to Spanish TV – over the weekend we have seen “ The Postman always Rings Twice ” with Jack Nicholson and Jessica Lange, “ The Silence of the Lambs ” with Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster and then “ Mr. and Mrs. Smith ” with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolly as husband and wife assassins !

Today , Tuesday , is another glorious day so Brenda will be up on the roof terrace later in the afternoon; this evening we are having Cold Chicken and salad with Baby New Potatoes for supper and then we will watch the ‘ Champions League ’ Semi Final first leg match between Bayern Munich and Real Madrid – Bayern are Real’s bogey team so it going to be a “ Helluva ” game in the futuristic ‘ Allianz-Arena ’ which is the home ground both for Bayern and TVS Munchen. See the pictures above – Red for Bayern !

PS; Real lost 2-1 to a late goal by Gomez ( Spanish ) and did not play well even Ronaldo was not in the game as the Germans out played them !

Thought for the Day;

Heredity is what makes the mother and father of a teenager wonder a little about each other.



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