Wednesday, August 03, 2011



As we got up on Monday morning it was a little cloudy and over cast so after our tea and toast we went for a long walk around the village, through the country park behind the Football Stadium and back up past the church to Calle Mar, Cheta was tired out when we got back to the house and so were we! As it was still overcast I went to the Smart car in our little square to put some water in the windscreen wipers, Brenda appeared with a bucket of soapy water so we ended up washing the Sahara Sand off it and giving it a quick rub down ! The car not Brenda!! Just as we finished the sun came out and we were back to normal-hot and sunny-getting hotter during the week. In the afternoon I watched the Cricket from Trent Bridge, England annihilated India and the atmosphere was terrific; in the evening after a cold Pork and salad supper we settled down to watch the TV. The big Spanish news was the President, Zapartero has called an early election on the 20th November, and the bad news is that he has just had to cancel his holidays as the Spanish economy is in a bad mess!

On Tuesday morning Brenda had one of her washing days as the sun was out in force; as she puts the washing out to dry it is ready in an hour for the ironing ! We then freshened our selves up and went up to Bar Rojas for a Tapas lunch; as we were sat under the Sonbrajo Mano and Anna passed us in their car, it turned out that it was Mano’s day off so they joined us for a chat and a good gossip as we had not seen Mano for over three weeks. They could not wait to show us their new matching Blackberry I Phones which they had just picked up under some new deal that Mano had arranged, his is white and Anna’s is purple! They then sat with them out on the table posing!! On Tuesday evening we had Pork Cutlets with Lyonnaise Potatoes for supper before we watched one of the regular programmes that we follow about Spaniards working and living abroad, this week it was Singapore, which is spectacular and of course they showed ‘Raffles Hotel’ Later on the TVE2 channel it was live Modern Jazz this week and the first concert was a bit of a surprise, it was Nigel Kennedy, the violinist, playing with his what he called his ‘Twin Sets and One’ five very professional musicians from Serbia ?! ’He played both electric and acoustic violins and it was rather good.

This morning I have just made a Chicken Curry for supper tonight; it is hotter than ever today so we are keeping a low profile, over lunchtime I have just watched on the PC the trial of Hosni Mubarak, the former President of Egypt, live on ‘ Aljazeera TV ’ in English, which is broadcast from Doha, Qatar. He was brought into court on a stretcher behind a cage!! Brenda is retiring to the roof to finish her current book and I will join her later for our early evening ‘Cocktail Hour ’

Thought for the Day;

The difference between a warrior and an ordinary man is that a warrior sees everything as a challenge, while an ordinary man sees everything as either a blessing or a curse.


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