Saturday, March 27, 2010


Saturday 27th March 2010.

It has been the most beautiful evening after a glorious day and the views across the Straite to Africa have been spectacular; there has been a lot of shipping including ferries going in each direction since early this morning and just in the last few minutes a small naval fleet has just passed us presumable on it’s way to the Atlantic; when I checked it out on the online ship watch it only gives some basic details, not like the general shipping when it tells me the name,speed.destination and arrival dates as well as other relevant information. The main part was a very large Aircraft Carrier escorted by a destroyer and a very modern frigate, all travelling at speed, I could not make out their nationality but I will presume that they were Spanish not English or American but they did not have any flags flying! Sorry to say that I was not able to take a picture as my zoom on the Digi-Cam is not that strong.

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