Thursday, October 29, 2009


Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday 26th/27th/28th October 2009.

On Monday morning I went on my now regular run over to Estepona and Manilva to catch up with life in the outside world! At the English butchers they had got in some gravy browning that I had been chasing for a few months, at home there was a letter from the Pensions people updating my details and telling us about the changes in the system in the future, not that it matters to us as we have both been working for over 45 years and Brenda already receives hers and mine is due in 12 months time ! In the evening we had cold Chicken for supper with the leftover vegetables. When I was in Manilva I took a quick picture of the new wine centre which is shooting up and looks to be on course to open in the middle of 2010,as you can see below.
The weather has settled down again and it is now warm and sunny all the time, the only problem we have had is that the electricity went off during the night for about five hours and when it came back on in the morning it was not at full power so I’ve had all sorts of problems with the phone and IT connections,the TV system,fridge and various lights in the villa! During Tuesday I then made a Beef stew for dinner which we had with Cabbage and Baby Beetroot.The gardeners came over and carried on with the outside hedge trimming during the day until the large commercial cutter blew up!
Wednesday was a cleaning and chores day and Joan was expecting the Physiotherapist in the afternoon but she called in the morning to say that she was not very well and would get back to us later in the week.We have had a very brief call from Chris to say that he will call us on Thursday to catch up with all his news and ours at the same time ! For supper we are having Sausages with crispy smoked Bacon and fried onions served on top of Brenda’s famous mash, I picked them up from the butchers on Monday.

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