Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Monday 5th.January.

We were up bright and early as we had to get ready for our party in the evening;First I had to refill the Spanish Turkey and then with Brenda’s help stich and skewer it back together! Job done it went in the oven for four hours as we moved the furniture,set the tables and prepared the starters and vegetables.By lunchtime we were ready and sat down to relax for an hour or two when the phone started ringing,Fistly Mano and Anna called off because they both had the flu,then Vidal and Gisssy had gone worse as they had not been well with the same bug for a few days and finally Carlos rang to say that Ana Mari had to work! So we went from ten to five in a few minutes!The curse of the Turkey had struck again!! In the evening Andy and his wife Anna,who has not been very well for quite a while and is still on treatment,joined us for dinner,with Carlos who had to go into work later to take over from Ana Mari ! Before we sat down to dinner we walked up our street to watch the “Reyes” Parade at 8-00pm.This is the big Spanish holiday of the year and celebrates the arrival of the Three Kings with street parades all over the country.Our little one in the village was very good as you can see in the pictures below with the whole village out as it made it’s way along the main street,as the floats pass they throw sweets( Caramelos) out to the crowds who collect them in plastic bags and up- turned umbrellas! The Mayor was in the lead car,the Chief of Police was sounding his alarm on the Police car and the Band and singers were giving it their all! We then sat down to the Turkey,the sequel,part three!We had a lovely night and caught up with all the village gossip as the beer and wine flowed.

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