Friday, October 31, 2008


Friday 31st.October.

As forecast the rain started at 7-ooam and has not stopped since;when it rains in Spain it is always very severe and non-stop! As the morning went on it became time to take the dog out for his walk so I got myself a large waterproof with a hood and wrapped up to brave the conditions,with the umbrella up and the hood down I set of with the dog down the lane by the villa.It soon became a cloudburst and the lane was awash with flowing water cascading down like a river!In the meantime Bruno had disappeared into the mist along his favourite spots and could not hear me when I called and whistled for him to come back,every so often he appeared out of the mist and then shot off into the woods by the side of a steep drop down a grassy ,muddy bank only this time there was no sign of him for over 15mins as I screamed and whistled for him to come back! I then started to walk back towards the villa along the lane to the spot where he usually comes to us and we put the lead back on,no Bruno!!After another 15mins I was just about to go back to villa to get Brenda to come and help me find the damn dog when she came out looking for me,the dog had run home right at the start and she thought that it was me that had gone missing over the cliff into the woods when the dog came home without me!!!The dog is keeping out of my way at the moment and I’ve just been rubbed down and dried !!!!

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