Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Tuesday 23rd.September.

We came over last night to Guadalmina Alto and settled into “La Casa del Abuelo” as we had to be up at 5-30am to take Clive and Carolyn to the Airport,we then came back in the Toyoto Landcrusier and will pick them up in two weeks time.During the night we had a very bad rain storm and it was still raining heavy as we came back.The pictures below were taken just as the rain stopped and show the garden at it’s finest and Greenest!The west wing is the old house and the new east wing is joined by the lounge and gallery overlooking the top patio and garden.We are living in the old part of the house which has its own patio overlooking the swimming pool and garden.There are two house cats to look after as well as seven wild cats in the garden and also the fish in the pond to feed! At the same time we have a list of workman who are renovating the property,at the moment they are re-setting and polishing the marble floors in the main house and the terracotta tiles in the patios are being repaired,the pond is just about to be refreshed as you can see in the picture,it needs it! Clive and Carolyn are staying in Nice, as Clive has a stand at the Monaco Yacht Show this week and they are going over to their house in Northern Italy to supervise the furniture removal the week after.They have also told us to use the Astra to run about in as the road up to the house is very bumpy and the Smart car take’s off! I am typing this blog at Clive’s PC station as he has arranged a Wi-Fi connection for our laptop so as we can continue to show you are life down here on the Costa del Sol !
The latest pictures above have just been taken as we have been exploring the garden and found even more views of the house as we played with the idea of going for a swim!!

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