Thursday, August 28, 2008


Wednesday 27th. August.

In the morning Anna called in for a coffee on her way to Carlos’s house and caught me making a curry for supper so we asked her to join us ! My small PC has suddenly caught a virus even though I’ve anti-virus systems,this is the first time that I’ve had a problem like this and I will have to ask a friend here in Manilva for help! I use the Acer PC to try things out and practice then go to my main Dell PC which has all the programmes etc.which is in use every day for E-mails,Blog,Facebook,News,Radio.TV and music.We have the radio on all day in the lounge,tuned to Kiss FM, the station that plays English and Spanish pop and golden oldies,this is also the music that we drive to in the Smart car.We also on the CD player listen to our collection of our favourite’s including at the moment Amy and Duffy! In the kitchen we have a small system that we use to listen to our Spanish learning CD’s and local radio.On the PC in the office I have a Super bass sound system which blasts out Radio One,Rem FM,Spectrum FM and a Musicovery interactive web-radio station which you choose the type of music and tracks on screen from the 50s to now- It’s unbelievable!! On the roof terrace we are going to use the I-Pod speaker’s after Tim send’s it back and I learn how to use it! Anna came round in the evening and joined us for Tinto de Verano’s on the roof terrace before we had one very hot curry with Basmati rice for supper.

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