Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Monday 14th. July.

Over the weekend we had a call from somebody that was interested in the Winnebago and so we arranged to meet them this morning at the garage,but they did not arrive due to the bad thunder storms in the area where they live;we put the batteries on charge as they were showing very low and arranged the meeting for the same time tomorrow.When we got back to the house one of our neighbour’s gave us some fresh tomatoes from her garden at their “ Campo” it’s like a summer cottage and lots of the locals in the village have them and go there at the weekend,our next door neighbour always gives us very small apples and pears when she comes home.In the evening as I logged on to the internet I noticed on one of fellow blog-page’s that I check on regulary he had posted a blog all about us!We first found this blog when he left a nice comment on our page last year,the page is called “ Thoughts of Oscar ” and is based in North Wales and especially Conwy and Llandudno so we watch it with interest.He comments and picture blogs on all sorts of topics and has very strong thoughts on the local councilors and the police in NorthWales as well as lots of general items that take his interest so it gives us a feeling of being back in North Wales! “ Oscar ’’has not revealed his identity and we have our own thoughts as to who he is as well as a lot of friends in North Wales also do.The blog was entitled “ Happy Days ” and was all about our time at the Hotel 70 degrees in Colwyn Bay in the 70/80s.The picture at the top was a very old photograph of the hotel and he went on to comment in a very complimentary way about us and our staff and all the good times that were had by him and all our customers!We left a comment on his page thanking him and he has now put our latest picture at the top of the blog and there are already several comments left on the blog-page from customers!Friends from North Wales have been on the phone this morning all ready telling us about the blog,which of course we knew about anyway! but thanks to all and especially “ Oscar ’’ as it brought back some very happy memories about our times in North Wales!

Tuesday 15th.July.

Once again we shot over to the Winnebago to meet these people but they did not show up so we have given up on them; the Winnebago started first time and we then went on to give it a good clean and washed it down whilst we were waiting for them!Vidal called into the garage to check things over with me which is very good of him as he and Gissy are in the middle of moving into an apartment at the moment in between gigs.When we got home we had a salad for lunch using some of the tomatoes that our neighbour gave us,not knowing what was to follow! At 3-00pm. I started to not feel well and went for a lie down but in a very few minutes I was in very severe pain in my groin and through to my lower back by the kidney on my left side,this went very quickly to being an emergency as the pain was unbearable and I was very sick and my temperature shot up and I was nearly passing out,Brenda rang our doctor and he could not come as he was away in his other practice down the coast but after Brenda described the symptoms he suggested that it was either colic or kidney stones,possibly.Brenda with the help of Carlos, who rang the emergency services,they spoke to Brenda and said that a doctor would come with the ambulance asap!By this time it was nearly 5-00pm I did not know if I was on this earth or fullers! The doctor arrived and quickly diagnosed colic and gave me a pain killer shot and one other to help me and said that I did not need to go to hospital.He gave Brenda a prescription and I went to bed and woke up at 9-00pm feeling a lot better and in no pain! I am now drinking gallons of water and taking the tablets!

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