Tuesday, July 08, 2008


Monday 7th. July.

Today was a day to remember for all sorts of reasons; we were awoken at 7-00am. when our antique bed crashed to floor with no help from us! We discovered that the iron support frame had rusted and the bar that carried the main spring frame and board had cracked.We have Vidal coming along tomorrow to help us to repair it as it will need some new screws and a metal bracket fitted to get us back to normal! Later in the morning as I was setting up our Spanish house phone,I had found on the internet a English translation of the Telefonica manual so know we can use it hands free and have everybody’s number preset in the memory,our dear friend Tim phoned to say that he was coming to stay with us for ten days in August after he has been on holiday with the family to Crete- to finish off his tan! Then just after lunch our dear friend Carol phoned to say that she was a grandmother for the third time! Ben her son and his partner Andrea have a beautiful baby daughter called Freya Olivia born a few days early,at 9-10am,mother and daughter both fine! This is Carol’s third granddaughter as both Yola and Michelle her two daughters have beautiful baby girls as well. I rang Ben on the Skype phone and caught him at home in Preston to wish him and Andrea all the very best,at the same time Brenda was speaking to Carol in Willaston.The Skype phone is also back up to date with the latest edition just downloaded and the payment details changed to our Spanish bank account,the sound is much better and there is no feedback,so watch out for a call! To see the picture of the new baby just click on the link below.

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