Thursday, March 08, 2012



The forecast for the week is very good; sun and clear skies and no breeze so it’s Bikini time for Brenda up on the terrace ! This week we are taking things easy at home and are keeping to our routine of walking in the morning with Cheta, reading in the afternoon and watching the news and a film after supper. Cold Lamb on Monday night was very tasty, we do like cold meats and the leftover vegetables and Boulangere Potatoes also went down well !

On Tuesday morning after our tea and toast we had a “ Helluva “ day; over the weekend we made up our minds, finally, and have decided to sell the Smart car, it will cost too much to change it to Spanish plates and documents etc. so on Monday I rung around to all the car buyers in the local papers and got immediate results; I also posted the details on the Internet Selling Paper and E-mailed one enquiry at the same time. The phone started first thing in the morning and by lunchtime I had had three offers and then met one of them and sold the car by 2-00pm ! We are very sorry to see the Smart car go, we loved it and have had lots of fun with it but life goes on – the picture above is in memory of the car and what it thought it was ! Mano and Anna have been very helpful and Mano is going to help us when we find a car for sale locally, we don’t need or want anything flash, in fact a cheap. old banger will do for our needs ! In the evening for dinner we had Pork Cutlets with more Boulangere Potatoes.

As we were out walking on Wednesday morning we saw that there was a small exhibition of paintings in the new Wine Centre to celebrate the Week of Women; the pictures below show them in the upstairs foyer of the Centre outside the Presentation Theater which I discovered had been fitted with the new seating, I could not find the light switches but you can see them anyway! After supper of Chicken Curry we watched the football on Spanish TV, the night before we saw the Arsenal nearly make the comeback of the year against Milan when they scored three goals in the first half to make it 3-4 on aggregate but sadly did not go through, meanwhile Barcelona beat Bayer Leverkuson 10-2 and on the night beat them 7-1 with Messi scoring five sublime goals – a record for a Champions League Match!

Today on our walk this morning we arranged to meet Mano at the local garage and car showrooms in the village; as we got there we spotted just outside Carlo’s house a car up for sale privately, so Mano rang for us and we are meeting this afternoon in Bar Augustine as it looks rather good, keep your fingers crossed and watch this space! As we came back into Calle Mar outside the Town Hall there was a gathering for ‘ International Women’s Day ’ with the Mayor,Antonia leading the proceedings as you can see in the pictures above. The other pictures below show the Bacardi Brewery and a job I would die for – tasting! and from Australia a picture that brings a smile to your face!! Tonight we are having Flattened Chicken Breast in Breadcrumbs cooked in foaming butter with square chips and I’ am open to request as to the garnish !

Thought for the Day;

You already possess everything necessary to become great.

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