Thursday, January 06, 2011



We took things easy on Sunday as we were both feeling under the weather; Brenda is struggling with her ankle and I have got a bit of everything that you can have ! We had a late Brunch,8-oopm, as Mano was going to join us before he went into work but at the last moment he called off as he was not well with a bug also. Bacon, Eggs, Chorizo, Mushrooms, Sausage, Tomatoes, Sauté Potatoes and Baked Beans helped us on the hopefully road to recovery !

I got up early on Monday morning after a bad night and walked slowly around to the surgery to get an appointment as they opened at 8-ooam;The receptionist fitted me at 9-ooam with my doctor so I went across the road for a tea and tostado and who should walk in but my doctor for his coffee and tostado before he started, he took one look at me and saw me straight away ! He gave me a good going over and said that it was not flu ( We had the Flu jabs before Xmas ) but I had caught a very severe virus and gave me a prescription for tablets and a strong liquid Paracetamol. Also lots of bed rest and taking it easy were prescribed ! Meanwhile back at the house Brenda is trying to keep her foot up and keep off her feet most of the time until Friday when she has to start her course of Blood Circulation tablets and ointment on her ankle. Talk about two old crocks ! Mano was also still under the weather and was off his food but had carried on working; for supper we had Egg and Chips with cold Ham – comfort food.

Tuesday was a non day as I was in bed and Brenda was on the couch with her leg up in between looking after Derrick. Mano has been calling in every day to see if we needed any shopping and to keep up to date with one another’s illness !

On Wednesday I felt a little better but Brenda’s ankle is still giving concern, it is a Bank Holiday here in Spain, “ Three Kings ” which is the biggest festival for the Spanish families and children especially – it is their Xmas and takes place over two days, the weather is crisp and sunny during the day, Brenda has been on the roof terrace in the afternoon most days for an hour or so taking in the fresh air and sun 19/20degs! The pictures below show the Three Kings procession through the village which kicks off at around 8-30pm,Calle Mar is packed with all the children and families, the Xmas Band leads the floats as they pass along the street throwing over two thousand kilos of sweets which the children collect in upturned umbrellas and plastic bags ! They play loud music from sound systems that they push along and also this year the Festival Charanga Band played their Chi Chi Pom music. We had wrapped up in warm clothes as it goes cool in the evening, we met Carlos at Bar Rojas and sat outside under the Sonbrajo to watch the parade, Ana Mari and Fabio came along and Brian and Lilli joined us ,Brian has got the bug also so he went on large Brandy's and we had some drinks purely for medicinal purposes ! Honest !! They parade through the village and return back along Calle Mar about an hour later followed by the council workmen in their street cleaning machines and road sweepers; you would not know anything had happened.

Tonight Brian and Lilli are joining us for dinner, we are having Braised Steak and Onions with Cabbage and Sprouts, the steak is cooked in a rich sauce with Carrots, Celery ,Leeks, Baby Turnips and Button Mushrooms and of course Brenda’s famous Mash !

Thought for the Day;

Every one is a genius at least once a year – The real geniuses simply have their bright ideas closer together.


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