Saturday, September 25, 2010



I woke everbody to a very loud version of " Happy Birthday " sung by Stevie Wonder !

Well what a day, first of all the weather was superb, hot and sunny with clear blue skies and a little Lavante
wind blowing in from Africa, as we sat down to breakfast; Scrambled eggs and Smoked Salmon with Bucks
Fizz made with fresh orange juice and the local Cava. Jenny and Norah had brought the 65th decorations with
them and put them up with Brenda’s help as I was cooking the breakfast. The pictures below show the sisters
in the morning. Jenny had to take things easy as she is feeling a little off colour so Brenda popped around to
the chemist,Miguel and he gave her some tablets to help Jenny; for the rest of the day and evening ,sadly Jenny
had to stay in the house and could not eat anything. At lunchtime after Brian called by and sang Happy Birthday out in the street Brenda and I went up to Bar Rojas to make
the arrangements for dinner,we sat outside and had a lovely quiet drink and reminiscenced about all the good
times over the years together.


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