Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Tues.1st May!
As it is the bank holiday here the site is busy with Spanish campers so we have
been for our swim after they have all left-I managed 20 lengths of the pool and
Brenda kept up with me but she did a couple of lengths of crawl !! The weather
is very hot and sunny so Brenda is out-side with the oil on - whilst i am on the
Blog.We have asked Vidal and Gisela out to dinner tonight so we are going
across the road to the "Playa Bella" and we are going to crack a bottle of
Champagne before we go out.As it is the 1st May we have started our
countdown to leaving for England-we are checking all the paper work and
will start to arrange the route and stops as we make our way back to Oxford
at the end of June.

1 comment:

Author said...

Villa tiberio,next to Marbella club.I remember the name now!