Sunday, April 12, 2015


SUNDAY 12th/ APRIL 2015.

This morning we overslept as we had planned to get the roast on the go and then sort ourselves out; after a quick breakfast we got ourselves back into gear - ‘Roast Topside of English Beef’ ‘Pink’ with Yorkshire Pudding & finger licking Gravy, Brenda has prepared Whole Baby Carrots & Green Beans, Cauliflower Florets, Garden Peas & Parsley New Potatoes & Braised Onion, this evening I will pop the Goose Fat Roast Potatoes in the oven.

Just out of the oven;

We then picked ‘Chispa’ up and went for a walk along Calle Mar, the street was closed last night and we didn’t know what for, it turned out that there was a long walk this morning by all the councilors, their families and workers, when they retuned they were given a free drink and a plate of Paela; Mario our local councilors gave us tickets so we had it for our lunch sat outside ‘Bar Rojas’ See the picture below before they set off!

Later we bumped into Mano & Anna in ‘Café Plaza’ so we had a catch up and gossip, Mano is watching the ManchesterDerby’ game later with Carlos in the bar. Yesterday Everton drew 1-1 with Swansea, Barcelona drew at Sevilla 2-2 after leading 0-2 and Real Madrid won 3-0 – this morning Hamilton won the Grand Prix in China – a boring race!

Yesterday afternoon after watching the Grand National we spoke to Tim over in Old Colwyn on the Skype video, he is busy getting ready their new motor home as in a week’s time they are going away on their first adventure, they are heading across France and then heading for the Mediterranean, but they are just going to see where the wind takes them, they are away for three weeks. See the picture below of them in the motor home outside their house;

They are then going down to ‘Glastonbury’ for the festival during the summer before heading down here to the ‘Costa Del Sol’ in September for a certain persons 70th birthday celebrations!! Safe traveling and have a great time.

This evening after supper we will catch up with all the news, sport and weather detail before settling down to find a film to watch, today its dry and cool and we think that there is more rain to come sometime next week, watch this space.

                                                      I love the 'Big Dipper' but Brenda hates it !!

Thoughts for the Day; See above.



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