Sunday, November 04, 2018



Just a little lie in this morning as we had to get the ‘ Sunday Roast’ on the go ,after a quick freshen up and toast & tea. The village is very quiet, the ‘ Church Bells ‘ calling the faithful to mass have just started!

I first prepared the ‘ Roast Lemon Chicken’ – I take off the Legs,Thighs & Wings, then season them along with the ‘Crown of Chicken’ with Sea Salt & Lots of Lemon Juice, the ‘ Trivets’ ( Chopped assorted Vegetable ends etc) are browned-off in Vegetable Oil and then I ‘Roast’ the Chicken in a hot oven, covered first, then uncovered and basted to brown-off! I also made the 'Mixed Herb & Chestnut Stuffing' 

See below;

Meanwhile the ‘ Vegetable Chef’ was preparing ‘ Florets of Broccoli & Cauliflower in a Three Cheese sauce, Glazed Baby Sprouts, Crushed Carrots & Turnips, Creamed Leeks & Garden Peas, her famous ‘ Mashed Potato’ was made from the Potato trimmings, the ‘Roast Potatoes’ are sliced in half & par-boiled, shaken and then placed in the savoury ‘Chicken Oil’ to go in the over this evening, finally I made my famous ‘ finger-licking ‘Pan Gravy’- in the ‘Roasting Tray’ – using a strong ‘ Chicken & Vegetable stock!

See below;

This morning the sun was out, again, early and the sky is bright blue, there is a slight breeze, so by lunchtime it’s due to reach 22 degs, next week the breeze is getting up and bringing with it some of the ‘wet-stuff’ as well as a little cooler weather, overnight hovering on the 12/13 degs mark, going down to 17/18 degs at times during the day, even cooler by next weekend, watch this space.

Just a quick update on the sports results from yesterday; Everton won 3-1, Liverpool drew 1-1, Real Madrid won 2-0 & Barcelona won 2-3 against the lowest team in ‘   La Liga’ Wales won 21-10, Ireland won 54-7 and England won 12-11 – after a very lucky end to the match!

Last night after super we watched the final episode of “ Killing Eve “ – as the female assassin escaped, after being stabbed by the female ‘MI5’agent, after more shootings & killings, ‘ Viianelle’ has disappeared, to be pursued once again in season two!!  Watch this space.

While I have been typing/posting today’s Blog I have been listening to the ‘Pete Black Retro Roadshow’ on ‘ Castle Radio FM 89.2 & Online on the WWW’ – he has a new ‘ Film Quiz ‘ when he plays the soundtrack of a movie, you have to get the movie and the main actor, I got it straight away, it was “ O Brother, Where Art Thou “ starring George Clooney ! I’m in the draw for the ‘ Mug’ He also played a track for us!!

Thoughts for the Day; See above.


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