Monday, November 19, 2018



We had a nice long lie in this morning after another good night’s sleep, after freshening up as I was on the ‘Breakfast Rota’ we had my famous ‘ Toasted Crispy Smoked Bacon Butties’ – smothered in ‘ HP ‘ Brown sauce – open on brown for Brenda, with mugs of strong tea to set us up for the week ahead!

This week we have no appointments, so far, so we have a relaxing time ahead, basically taking things very easy, I will be out on my travels on Friday morning, as usual, down to Sabinillas for the weekly shopping, meanwhile in ‘ Doggy World Heaven ‘  we just have little princess ‘ Reina’ back with us on Friday for the day and a sleep over.

At this morning’s ‘Menu’ meeting we have agreed the menu’s for the week, this evening we are having ‘ Chicken Schnitzels’ – made with Escalope’s of Chicken Breast, coasted in breadcrumbs from the local Bakery, finished ‘ Holstein’ style with Anchovy Fillets, Capers and topped with a ‘ Campo ‘ Fried Egg! – accompanied with finely sliced ‘French’ Green Beans & ‘Pommes Risolees’ – using boiled Baby New Potatoes, in their skins, tossed in foaming Parsley Butter until crisp & brown all over. On Tuesday evening it’s ‘Grilled Gammon Steaks’ – topped with seared Pineapple rings and ‘ Campo’ Fried Eggs, again, with Garden Peas & twice-cooked ‘ Chips’ – then on Wednesday morning I’m making my now famous ‘ Chicken & Mushroom Curry’ with Brenda’s also famous ‘Basmati Rice ‘ Thursday is a ‘ Fridge’ day, Friday will be the ‘ Fish of the Day’ and on Saturday it’s ‘ Steak Night’ – Sunday is still ‘TBC’ – possibly a ‘ Roast of the Day’ – watch this space.

The weather forecast is not looking good on any of the three forecast’s that I follow, overnight we had more light rain storms, this morning, at the moment it’s stopped raining and the sky has cleared and is blue with patchy clouds, but still with more of the –wet-stuff’ to come later, the overall temperatures are hovering on the 16/17 degs mark, down to 11/12 degs during the night, the rest of the week ahead is looking the same, rain every day, by the weekend we could be in for the return of the sun in sunny Manilva, next week is at the moment looking a lot more dry & settled, watch this space.

Yesterday evening we spoke to Sandra & Bill, on the ‘ Skype’ video, this time with a very good connection, over in Everett, Ontario, Canada, they had just had a heavy, early, snowfall ( 5 inch) – as they got up, they started their day by going outside into their ‘Hot-Tub’ ( 100 degs+) which is just two steps outside their bedroom! “ What a Life “ !!

They are both very well and are back into the busy lifestyle, they are also starting to get rather excited about their next visit back down to the ‘ Costa Del Sol, next year, at the end of September, as they are looking for a four-bed-roomed villa, down along the coast, as there will be 8 of them! Sandra’s children Lanner & Neil and Bill’s son Dylan and their partner’s, are planning to join them!! We are also very excited, to say the least!

They will be here just for a week, this time and are planning to fly in from Montreal, staying at a Hotel, before coming on a direct flight to Malaga, where they are arranging two hire-cars, watch this space and fingers crossed!!

After supper yesterday evening we channel hopped and watched the ‘UEFA Nations League’ football from Wembley, as England beat Croatia 2-1 to go into the semi-final draw in Portugal next year, then we caught the next episode of “ The Little Drummer Girl “ which is starting to get more gripping as the plot un-folds.

Thoughts for the Day;  See above.


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