Thursday, November 01, 2018



Another short lie in this morning after a good un-interrupted night’s sleep, as the severe storm had moved away, it started in the late afternoon, with lots of fork lightening & thunder, that shook the house, then it rained, non-stop, for over three hours, so no children out ‘door-knocking’ for Halloween!

Today, here in Spain, it’s a ‘ National Bank Holiday ‘ for ‘ All Saints Day ‘ a day of remembrance in honor of all deceased relatives & friends, when they decorate the graveyard with many flowers.

After freshening up, as the ‘ Head Chef’ was on the breakfast rota, we had his now famous ‘ Toasted Crispy Smoked Bacon Butties’ – smothered  in ‘ HP’ Brown sauce – open on brown for Brenda, with mugs of strong ‘Tetley’( thanks Sandra!) tea!

We then got the shopping list ready for tomorrow morning, when we are out on our travels down to Sabinillas, for the weekly shopping, Brenda is going along to the ‘ English Bookshop’ for her main family & friends Xmas Cards! Watch out you could be on the list!!

This morning the sun has broken back through and the sky is clearing, with just a few patchy clouds, there is a light breeze, making it still ‘ crisp’ but sunny, raising to 18/19 degs by lunchtime, over the next few days its staying the same, even getting a little warmer, as the weekend goes on, hovering on the 21 degs+ mark, warm for the time of the year, next week is now looking a little more settled, but cooler, as the breeze gets up, with just the threat of the wet-stuff at times, watch this space.

See below the “ Ffestinog Railway “ trains crossing the ‘ Cob’ yesterday out of Porthmadog and down from Blaenau Ffestiniog, in North Wales.

At lunchtime we went up to ' Bar Rojas ' for a nice cool drink & Tapas, we sat in the very hot sunshine, taking in the tranquillity of sunny Manilva on a beautiful day! 

For our supper this evening we are now having the rest of the ‘ Chicken & Mushroom Tarragon Casserole’ with more ‘ Parsley New Potatoes’ – the fresh, local ‘Brussels Sprouts’  were very tasty and were cooked to perfection by the ‘ Vegetable Chef’ – I’ve never eaten so many! 

On Friday it’s a ‘Fish n’ Chip’ supper, then on Saturday it will be ‘ Steak Night’ – we are now going to have a ‘ Roast Local Chicken ‘ on Sunday with all the trimmings, the only problem is that the ‘English Butcher’s’ are still waiting for their ‘ Duck-Fat’ delivery?! ( Roast Potatoes) Watch this space.

Last night after supper we settled down to watch the first episode ( the second is tonight) of “ Dark Heart “ – a crime/revenge drama based in London, strong stomachs are called for, as the main Detective ( Tom Riley )- called back from his holiday, investigates sadistic vigilante killings, of justice-evading paedophiles, with torture and a blow torch used!

The Detective has his own problems, he drinks too much, lives in the abandoned house of his brutally slain/murdered parents, the killer was never apprehended, 16 years ago, he has a sister, who is being knocked about by her boyfriend and a partner ( Anjli Mohindra) in the Police squad who fancies him, as well as a girlfriend! We can’t wait for tonight’s episode, as there is another killing, this time with a ‘ Chain-Saw ‘ !!  Watch this space.

Thoughts for the Day;  See above.


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