Sunday, November 18, 2018



We had another long lie in this morning after a good night’s sleep, after freshening up it was time for fresh fruit, toast & tea to set us up for the day ahead. Brenda is washing/shampooing her hair and I’m up in the office/studio on the ‘WWW’ before typing/posting today’s Blog.

Overnight the forecasted rain storm didn’t hit us, the ‘ Costa del Sol’ and adjacent area is on ‘ ORANGE ALERT’ for the next 24 hours, the ‘wet-stuff’ started this morning and as we got up the heavens opened, with thunder in the distance, it looks like it’s in for the rest of the day, it’s grey & overcast with lots of black clouds, the overall temperatures are hovering on the 16 degs+ mark, overnight down to 12 degs, very unseasonal! Next week it’s forecast to be raining everyday, heavy at times, with no change in the temperatures, even going a little cooler by next weekend, the following week is looking a little better, with the sign of some sunshine ( what’s that?) Watch this space.

Early this evening we are contacting Sandra & Bill on the ‘ Skype’ video, the time difference is still 6 hours, so we call at 6-00 pm here, mid-day over in Everett, Ontario, Canada, hopefully this time with a better much  better connection, weather permitting! Watch this space.

This evening for our supper we are having ‘ Baked Pork Chops ‘ (English) – topped with a Mixed Herb Crust, I sear them on a very hot griddle-plate before smearing the Crust on, then they are baked in a hot oven with ‘ Fuji ‘ Apple Slices, with the ‘ Crackling’ separate, accompanied with a sauceboat of a rich Oxtail Gravy, the ‘ Vegetables Chef ‘ is preparing Glazed Carrot Batons with Ginger, Cauliflower Florets ‘ Mornay ‘ - whole ‘ French’ Green Beans & Garden Peas, as well as Boiled Potatoes, which I will then finish ‘ Breton ‘ style, diced & tossed with chopped Shallots, Red, Green, & Yellow Peppers.

Just a quick update on the Rugby results; Wales won 74- 24 against Tonga, England beat Japan 35-15 in a hard-fought game, the ‘ World Cup ‘ is in Japan next year, Scotland lost to South Africa 20-26 and over in Dublin Ireland held their nerve to earn their first home win over the ‘ All Black – New Zealand’ 16-9 – with the help of Johnny Sexton! – a possible ‘World Player of the Year’!!

It’s definightly a ‘stay at home’ day, - we will relax and take things very easy, basically doing nothing, because we can, next week we have no appointments etc, I will only need to go out on my travels for the weekly shopping on Friday, in ‘ Doggy World Heaven’ we are also very quiet, little princess ‘Reina’ who is back with us on Friday morning, for the day and a sleep-over, otherwise all our regular guests ( 4) are booked in for December! Watch this space.

Thought for the Day; See above.


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