Wednesday, November 07, 2018



We were up a little early this morning and after a quick freshen up and tea & toast I shot out on my travels, down to Sabinillas, for my morning appointment at the main ‘Medical Centre’ with our Doctor, Natalia, it was her new assistant that looked after me, after Natalia called in to introduce her to me, my blood pressure readings, that we take, were ‘very good’ – she updated all my records, and added a couple of new prescriptions to my list, my Blood Test, for the ‘Prostate Consultant’ - at the start of December, is early next Tuesday morning.

I then walked along to the ‘Council’ offices to book two seats on the trip in December, to Malaga, to see the ‘Xmas Lights’ – which we go on each year, I also picked up a copy of the new ‘ Calender of Events’  for the next six months, as I was leaving I bumped into ‘Pedro Jnr’ ( Garage) and arranged to take the car in, for him to take to across to Estepona for it’s annual ‘ ITV-MOT’ at the start of December.

On the way back up the hill I stopped at ‘Andrew Charles’ house ( Castle Radio’s FM 89.2 Studio) to drop off a document re-the old car that his daughter bought off us, his next door neighbour is Carlos, who came out to say ‘Hello’

When I returned I then made the “ Braised Steak, Onion, Mushroom & Assorted Peppers Casserole “ – using ‘Irish Sliced Beef Fillet’ – dusted in seasoned flour and browned off,  I then sweated-off, in Red Wine, the sliced Onions & Peppers (Red Green & Yellow) along with Diced Mushrooms, before adding a little stock and the ‘Pan Gravy’ from Sunday’s roast, adjusting the seasoning and left to cook-off, I then layered it in the large ‘Casserole’ dish to go in the oven this evening, along with Brenda’s famous Mashed Potato, on the side, that she made while I was out, served with my version of ‘Carrots A la Flamande’ – Baby Carrots tossed with Garden Peas & Smoked Bacon Sippets!

This morning the sun broke through earlier, before I was out, it then clouded over and at the moment it’s grey & overcast, but dry, hovering on the 18/19 degs mark, tomorrow we are expecting moderate to heavy rain, then from Friday and over the weekend, it’s going to be warm & sunny, in the low 20s, overnight 13/14 degs, next week is now looking rather damp & unsettled, going cooler as the week goes on, as yet another ‘Atlantic’ front comes in, watch this space.

It’s a ‘day at home day’ – so we are taking things easy, relaxing & doing nothing, because we can, later we settle down to watch the TV, as usual, channel hopping to find something to watch!

Thoughts for the Day;  See above.


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