Friday, November 02, 2018



We were both up early this morning and after a quick freshen up we shot off on our travels, down to Sabinillas for the weekly shopping, ‘ItZabar’ was closed so we had a quick coffee & tostada in a local Bar, then I went into ‘ Mercadona for our main shop and Brenda went along to the ‘ English Bookshop’ for the local newspapers and most of her ‘Xmas/Birthday cards, Steve was delighted to see her, as she was his best customer of the day, so far!

We then met up and I shot along to the local market, at the far end of the promenade, for our fresh flowers & wall plants, Brenda had a quick look around the market stalls, before we shot back up the hill, through the Vine Fields, to unload back at the house, I then put the car away in the underground car park.

This morning has started very cold & ‘ crisp’ with a stiff breeze blowing in from across the Mediterranean, the sky is clearing and the sun has just broken through, by lunchtime it’s forecast to rise to 21 degs+ - yesterday it went very hot & sunny, as there was no breeze, over the weekend we are in for more of the same, with patchy clouds at time, but still hovering in the low 20s, next week is staying dry & sunny, with just the slight chance of some of the ‘ wet-stuff’ – but going a little cooler as the breeze pick up, we have put all the fans away and the two Oil Heaters are out & ready, watch this space.

Sabinillas beach this morning!

Next week we are having our ‘ Anti-Flu ‘ injections, down at the main Medical Centre, in Sabinillas, on Monday evening, I have an appointment with our Doctor, Natalia, on Wednesday morning, for a review/check up, I will also arrange a blood test, for my appointment with the ‘ Prostate Consultant’ at the start of December, we are still waiting to hear from the ‘ Costa Del Sol Hospital’ for Brenda’s appointment with the ‘ Heart Consultant’ and my visit for some ‘Rehabilitation’ on my hand! Watch this space.

This evening for our supper we are having ‘Fillets of Hake’ deep-fried in a ‘ Cruzcampo Beer Batter’ – served with ‘ Mushy Peas’ & twice-cooked ‘Chips’ – lots of Lemon Wedges on the side and not forgetting the Homemade ‘Tartar’ sauce!  

On Saturday it’s going to be a large ‘ Grilled Rib of Beef – on the Bone’ with all the trimmings,  for our ‘ Roast’ on Sunday I bought a fresh, local Chicken, which we will have with a selection of fresh, local Vegetables etc, with a savoury ‘Mixed Herb’ Stuffing & Pan Gravy and of course ‘Roast Potatoes’ sadly not with ‘ Duck Fat’ – but still ‘ crisp’ & ‘ fluffy’!!

After supper yesterday evening we settled down to watch the second episode of “ Dark Heart ‘ – it turns out that each two-part episodes are complete, with two more to come, it all got very exciting as the copper with cough, who has terminal cancer, was the killer/vigilante ( I guessed this last night!) – our ‘hero’ Detective, with problems, managed to stop him using the chainsaw, the killer was helped by an ex-cop, along the with the families that had been affected, by the paedophiles, will he now carry on with his hunt for the killer of his parents 16 year ago?! Watch this space.

Thoughts for the Day;  See above.


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