Tuesday, November 06, 2018



We had a nice long lie in this morning before getting up and after a quick freshen up we had our regular light breakfast of toast & tea, as usual, the village is very quiet at this time of the day, we have the shutters down, blocking the light out as well as the sounds in the street below us!

The sun is breaking through, at the moment, the clouds are clearing and by lunchtime it’s due to reach 18 degs+ - sunny but still ‘ crisp’ – you need a jumper on, overnight it’s dropping to 11 degs+ - about normal for the time of the year, the Oil Heaters are still not needed, for now, tomorrow will be the same and then on Thursday we are in for some of the ‘ wet-stuff’ – over the weekend it’s getting a little warmer, hovering in the low 20s, next week is looking similar, with patchy clouds, sunshine and more of the ‘wet-stuff’ – getting heavy towards the weekend, as well as a little cooler, watch this space.

See below pictures of the ‘ Firework Display’ in EirIas Park, Colwyn Bay, North Wales, last night, the last time we managed to go to the same display was with Tim & Thea and the kids many years ago ( at least 20)  ‘Happy Memories ‘

For our supper this evening we are having ‘ Chicken Schnitzels’ – using Fillets of Chicken and local breadcrumbs from the Bakery, shallow-fried, until crisp & golden brown, in Vegetable Oil, then finished-off ‘ Holstein’ style, topped with a ‘ Campo’ Fried Egg, Capers & Anchovie Fillets, with lots of Lemon Wedges, accompanied with finely sliced  ‘French’ Green Beans and for a change, not Spaghetti Milanese, but twice-cooked ‘Frits’! – “ Posh Chicken & Chips “ !!

On Wednesday, for our supper I’m making a special ‘ Braised Steak, Onion, Mushroom & Assorted Peppers Casserole’ – using ‘ Irish Sliced Beef Fillet’ from ‘ Mercadona’ – served with a version of the classic recipe of ‘ Carrots A la Flamande’ – Baby Carrots tossed with Garden Peas and Smoked Bacon Sippets’ – and ‘Brenda’s famous ‘ Mashed Potato’

Thursday is going to be a find something in the fridge day, Friday is ‘ Fish Night and Saturday ‘ Steak Night’ – then on Sunday it will be time for my famous version of the classic “ Lancashire Hotpot “ Watch this space.

We have settled back into our routine of watching various Quiz Shows, yesterday afternoon ‘ Fifteen to One’ started again, hosted by Sandi Toksvig, who also is excellent on ‘ QI’ as the replacement for Stephen Fry.  We then after supper channel-hopped to find something to watch.

Watch out it could be mine!

Thoughts for the Day;  See above.


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