Wednesday, November 14, 2018



We had a long lie in this morning and were awoken by the gas-bottle delivery man backing his lorry down our street and blowing his horn! After freshening up we had a quick breakfast of toast & tea, before getting the day on the go. I shot up to the office/studio to go on the ‘WWW’ and then type/post today’s Blog, Brenda is getting things ready in the kitchen, as I’m making, later, my now famous “ Beef & Vegetable Stew- later turned into Scouse”

The Council have just announced the details of the Second Annual ‘ Xmas Gastronomic Food & Wine Fair’ – taking place in the ‘Plaza De La Vendemia’ over the weekend of 7/9th of December, see below.

Last Friday when I was in the ‘ English Butchers’ down in ‘Puerto de la Duquesa Marina’ I ordered our ‘ Xmas Turkey’ – then yesterday at the local Butchers I ordered the ‘Beef on the Bone ( Entrecote)’ for Boxing Day! Tomorrow morning we are going across to ‘Pueblo Nuevo de Guadiaro’- past Sotogrande, to go to the ‘ Oversea’s Supermarket ( Iceland)’ for all our Christmas ‘ Goodies’ !!

This morning has started a little grey & overcast, hopefully by lunchtime the sun will break through and the clouds will clear, as the breeze stiffens, it’s forecast to reach 19 degs+ again, by this afternoon, going overnight down to 15 degs, on Thursday we are in for more of the same, then from Friday the ‘ wet-stuff’ is due to hit us and will carry on over the weekend and all of next week, when it will also go a lot cooler?! Watch this space.

“ My ‘ Mother’s’ Scouse Recipe  “      " Muriel Eileen Sexton ne, Knowles " 

I first dust the ‘Diced Beef’ ( Neck of Lamb in the original) in seasoned flour and brown it off, then all the vegetables are chopped/diced ‘ Onions, Shallots & Garlic, Carrots, Leeks, Celery, Turnips, Green Beans & Mushrooms along with the cubed Potatoes, then all sweated-off, adding a dash of ‘Lea & Perrins and Tabasco’( and a little Curry Powder!)  - along with a large spoon of Tomato Frito, before adding a strong ‘Beef & Vegetable Stock’ along with the browed off Beef, and then left to cook, adjusting the seasoning to taste, I add more par-boiled cubed Potatoes, as required as the ‘ Scouse’ cooks/falls! Served with Pickled Beetroot and Cabbage with Alcelgas. Comfort food to die for!!

After supper we will channel hop and find something to watch.

Thoughts for the Day;  See above.


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