Friday, November 09, 2018



I was up very early this morning to see little princess ‘ Reina’ back with us for the day in ‘Doggy World Heaven’ – as usual she shot into her duvet, Lee is collecting her in the early evening.

I then had a quick freshen up and shot off on my travels down to Sabinillas for the weekly shopping, as the sun was rising above a sparkling Mediterranean.

See below;

I had toast & tea in ‘ itZabar’ before ‘ Mercadona’ opened, I had to call into the Wholesale/Retail Fruit & Vegetables shop as ‘ Mercadona’ didn’t have any Limes/Walnuts, I also picked up some ‘Baby’ New Potatoes, in their skins, at the same time.

Next on my travels was the ‘ English Bookshop’ for the local weekly newspapers, I also bought the ‘2019’ Calendars & Diaries. It was then time to pop down to the ‘ English Butchers’ in ‘Puerto de la Duquesa Marina’ where the ‘Goose-Fat’ had arrived, as well as, for the first time ‘ Beef Dripping’! 

Finally I shot along to the far end of the promenade in Sabinillas, to the local ‘ Friday Market’ for our fresh flowers & walls plants, he gives me ‘discount’ – as a regular customer, and this morning an ‘Orchid Stem’ for Brenda! After unloading back at the house, I put the car away in the underground car park.

This morning as I set off on my travels it was very ‘ crisp’ in the bright sunshine, yesterday’s rain had blown away and the sky was clear & blue, with just a very light breeze, by lunchtime it’s forecast to reach 17/18degs+ - overnight down to 11/12 degs. Over the weekend we are in for more of the same, next week is looking mixed, with patchy rain possible, partly cloudy at times, the sun breaking through, as the breeze pick up, hovering in the low 20s, then going a little cooler over next weekend, watch this space.

For our supper this evening we are having – ‘Pan-Seared Fillets of Hake’ – dusted in seasoned flour and finished ‘A La Meuniere’ style,  accompanied with Garden Peas, Broccoli Florets and the ‘ Baby’ New Potatoes, in their skins, served with lots of Lemon wedges and Homemade ‘Tartar’ sauce. 

On Saturday it’s going to be ‘Tournedos Rossini’ – the Fillet steaks wrapped in Smoked Bacon, with all the trimmings and then on Sunday I will be making my special version of “ Lancashire Hotpot “  using a Rack of ‘Spanish’ Lamb Chops, Cutlets & Steaks! Watch this space.

Last night after supper we watched the second part of ‘ Dark Heart’ as yet another mysterious murder plot was uncovered, I was all about illegal operations for kidneys etc, masterminded by the Greek Mafioso! The Detective also started to resolve some of his personal problems at home, next week it’s two more back to back episodes.

Thoughts for the Day;  See above.


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