Monday, February 09, 2015



No rest for the wicked this morning as we were up early and after a quick breakfast we shot across to Estepona along the coast road as the sun was braking through over the Mediterranean; here in sunny Manilva it was still very cold with a stiff breeze but in Estepona there was no wind and as the morning went on it got warmer.

Our first port of call was our bank to sort out last weeks problems, we had a partial success but we are still missing one refund?! Next we had a coffee & tostado in the local café by my barbers ‘Manuel’ Brenda went off for some make-up from her favorite shop and I had the full works, a dry razor trim, a shampoo and scalp massage, a cut/trim & style and to finish a face and neck massage!

I then found Brenda and we did a little sale/window browsing before we went to the camera shop for a new Tri-Pod for my camera, this means that when Den is next here he can have his on-loan one back which he lent me to practices on! Thanks!!  Finally we went up to the large ‘Poligamo’ (Industrial estate) and a got a 5litre Oil from the Car Hypermarket.

We had a nice drive back along the coast road with the Mediterranean crashing onto the shore and rocks before coming back up the hill through the vine fields to a still breezy sunny Manilva.

‘Chispa’came calling as we got back to the house looking for her friends to play with ‘Reina’is here on Tuesday & Thursday and ‘Scruffy’ is now on a two day sleep over on Thursday and Friday.

This weeks menu’s are starting to take shape, this evening we are having flattened ‘Chicken Fillets’ cooked on the griddle with dry sautéed thick-cut slices of baked potato and some diamond cut Green Beans; then tomorrow I will pick something up from the butchers, possibly marinated diced Pork for ‘Brochettes’

Brenda has requested for Wednesday’s ‘Dish of the Day’ my famous “ Steak & Kidney Pie ” Thursday we be a find something in the fridges day before Fridays ‘Fish Supper’ Saturday as normal with local Entrecote Steak and then on Sunday we will be ready for a ‘Roast of the Day’!

Over the weekend Barcelona won 2-5 at Ath Bilbao and are now only one point behind Real Madrid and ahead on goal difference in ‘La Liga’

Yesterday afternoon we had a nice surprise visit from Mano & Anna for a good chat and gossip along with a catch up on all their news.

After our delicious ‘Shank of Lamb in Minted Gravy’ last night we settled down and found a good film to watch “Gangster Squad” from 2014 about an elite and secret police squad set up back in the 50s to fight a certain gangster in Los Angeles, it is based on actual characters and loosely what happened at the time and stars Josh Brolin,Ryan Gosling and Nick Nolte as the cop good guys and Sean Penn as the very nasty bad guy, the ‘Moll’ is played by Emma Stone – lots of shooting and stabbing on both sides!

Thought for the Day; See above.



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