Friday, September 30, 2016



We were both up very early this morning, I shot out on my travels and Brenda saw ‘ Reina’ back with us for the day, I called into our local surgery to drop off some documents for our Doctor, she later rang us to adjust one of Brenda's tablets after reading the 'Kidney' report from Monday, she has confirmed that Brenda has 'severe' Kidney damage, as the 'Internal Medicine Consultant' did also and checked about next weeks appointment for the special blood tests as well as the 'Ecogram' followed by the appointment with the 'Kidney Consultant' Watch this space.

I then carried on down to Sabinillas, as the full red sun was coming up over the sparkling Mediterranean, I then stopped at the main surgery, which is always very busy, you need a ticket to make an appointment, I’ve got to have a special blood test for my blood pressure & prostrate readings, its means that next Friday morning I’m at our surgery at 8-00 am and then down at the main surgery at 8-36 am! 

 I then had a quick cup of tea & toast before ‘ Mercadona’ opened. I then picked up the local newspapers from the ‘English Bookshop’ before going along to the local market at the far end of the promenade for the fresh flowers, I stopped at the garage to top up the petrol and put the car through the car wash ready for our trip out on Sunday with Lee & Daniela to ‘ Kokomo’ for Sunday lunch; finally I made my way to Super Sol’ for the English essentials.

For this evenings supper we are having ‘ Goujons’ of Hake Fillet ‘ with Mushy Peas & twice-cooked ‘ Frits’ Tomorrow night is ‘ Steak Night ‘ and then on Sunday it’s the ‘ Chef’s & Staff’ day off!

We are taking things easy for the rest of day, Brenda is catching up with her washing as it’s a good drying day, the sun was out early and the sky is bright blue, there is a stiff breeze, making is very pleasant as its still warm for the time of the year ( October 1st tomorrow!) The weekend is looking settled & fine and next week we are in for more of the same, at the moment.

Yesterday evening after supper we channel hopped before watching the next episode of  ‘ Paranoid ‘ – the police drama/thriller is about a murder in a rural town in Yorkshire, it is also about a conspiracy, there has also been a suspected suicide/murder & a suspicious death over in Germany of the lady doctor’s husband, that was murdered at the start, the three detectives, two men and one lady all have personal problems/history as they attempt to find the killer.

The head of the department is a older senior detective who is old fashioned and thinks he has solved the case, he hasn’t, and in the background all the time there is a mysterious stranger in a hood lurking around, sending them clues and even interviewing the people involved, pretending to be a detective?! At the very end of this week’s very compelling and gripping story line there was a very gruesome and surprise attempted murder of one of the main characters who was thrown from the top of a high bridge by the hooded man, watch this space!

Thoughts for the Day; See above.


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