Sunday, January 18, 2015



Well over night the rains came to sunny Manilva, not heavy but steady and wet! This morning its overcast and grey with more of the wet stuff to come later, in the rest of Spain there have been heavy snow storms and the temperatures have dropped dramatically but we are hovering on the 14degs mark, for now and during the night its going down to 3/4degs – please note ‘Mr. Ian Duncan Smith’ – Minister of Pensions!

After our regular breakfast we got things sorted for tonight’s first ‘Royal Banquet’ of 2015, we have just spoken to the royal household and ‘Queen’ is joining us early this evening; To start we are having a special ‘Frittata’ with Broad Beans with some other nibbles, the vegetable preparation chef has just shelled the blanched Broad Beans! It will be served with a chilled Cava ‘Bucks Fizz’ style.

For the main course we have having ‘Escalope of Chicken’ pan-fried on the griddle and finished with a ‘Balsamic Vinegar & Lime’ dressing; the ‘green’ vegetables for the night are finely sliced Green Beans and Asparagus Spears, A choice of Red or White fine Riojas will be offered.

For the dessert we are presenting a classic dish in honor of the royal visitor “Strawberries Romanoff” accompanied by a small glass of the local Manilva ‘Dulce’ wine. The ‘House’ cafeteria coffee will be offered but we know the ‘Queen’ prefers her own special blend of percolated coffee!

For the rest of the day we taking things easy as its an at home day and later we will freshen ourselves up to be ready to greet our esteemed guest, sadly without her ‘Consort’ as he’s busy back up ‘North’ in Skelton earning the ‘Royal Crust’ while living on his ‘favorite’ Fish Paste’ sandwiches!!

At the moment we are brushing up on the ‘Queens’ favorite topic at the moment “ Ted Talks” standing for “ Technology – Entertainment – Design” - the global conferences started back in 1984 under the slogan ‘Ideas Worth Spreading’ which is now world wide through the WWW.

Next Saturday a friend of Josies’s Mary Chiappe,the estemeed author and a true citizen of Gibraltar,who lives in the village, is giving her talk at the “ Gib Talk” conference when the invited speakers can talk on any subject for 15 mins.

Thoughts for the Day; See above.



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