Friday, December 12, 2014



We were up bright and early this morning and after a quick breakfast we shot off on our travels; our first port of call was down to the local market by the sports ground for some plants for the outside pots and yet another ‘Poinsettia’ (no 6!) Next it was the bank in Sabinillas before we picked up the papers from the ‘English Bookshop’ and another ‘Ken Follett’ for Brenda, her 3rd!  We then did a major shop in ‘Mercadona’ which included topping up the wine cellar back at our house.

Then we went down to Duquesa Marina to the ‘English Butchers’ for some Xmas essentials, Goose Fat, English Pork Sausages & Smoked Back Bacon, Gammon Steaks and this year for a change as requested by Brenda a large Gammon Joint for a ‘Honey Roast Gammon’ over Xmas, they were just making their large Chipolatas so we called back later and picked some up. I’m picking up our Turkey on Xmas Eve.

Finally we carried on around the coast to Sotogrande to go to ‘Iceland’ where we picked up a lot of treats and goodies that we don’t normally have, including ‘Pukka’ Meat Pies, a large Leg of Lamb, Shortbread Biscuits, a box of ‘Heroes’ Very small baby New Potatoes & Brussels Sprouts etc!

After unpacking back at the house which is now fully stocked, the pantry cupboards are full, the wine rack are full and the deep freeze is full as well as the fridge – we are ready to welcome any surprise visitors!!

‘Chispa’came crashing in just as we got back to the house so we will go for a little walk a bit later after ‘Scruffy’ arrives for his three day sleep over; he's just arrived with his 'Winter House' - see the picture below; 

The weather today is crisp and clear with blue skies and the sun is out, its reaching 18/19degs today but we are defiantly in for some of the wet stuff over the weekend before it clears and picks up again on Monday.

So this evening for our supper we are having some plain ‘Fillets of Hake’ dusted in seasoned flour and shallow fried in a little Vegetable Oil with Garden Peas and some very small Baby New Minted Potatoes (Iceland!) We will then find a good film to watch as its Film Night on all the major channels.

One good result after Brenda went to the surgery on Wednesday was that the relief doctor arranged a priority call to the ‘Heart Department’ at the hospital and they rang back one hour later to confirm an appointment in January for her over-due ‘Heart Check Up’ It was our fault in the first place as we did not understand the procedures with all the documents.

Thoughts for the Day; See above.



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