Friday, July 04, 2014


FRIDAY 4th/JULY 2014.

                                    NEWSFLASH; BRIAN IS NOW THE MAN FROM “BET 365.COM!!

Brian was this morning offered the job and has accepted it in a blink of an eye lid – the phone call came as we were out doing the shopping and as we came back into Calle Mar he was sat outside ‘Bar Rojas’ with his thumbs up! Congratulations to him and Lilli – it’s the start of a new phase in their life – we are very happy for them and are looking forward to seeing a lot more of them in the not too distant future!!  A very ‘Good News’ Day; See the picture below.


Today is the start of the official Spanish Summer holidays when lots of business’s and the banks close and all the people head home and to the coast all around the country; the weather forecast is very good over the weekend and into next week with the temperatures settling down to 34/35degs every day!

More locals this morning as we have been out and about have asked after Brenda, thanks to Antonia ( Campo Eggs) and our butcher who has missed me as well! It all helps to make her feel better as she gets better ‘Poco a Poco’ everyday.

We also had a local man who we did not know come up to us outside ‘Bar Rojas’ and say how much he likes the Blog especially the pictures and the food! Thanks to Jose Benitez Luque

This evening we are having as a little treat for Brenda ‘Goujons of Hake in Cruz Campo Batter’ with Mushy Peas and a few square-cut twice cooked chips, I have just made some fresh Tartar Sauce and of course there will be lots of Lemon wedges!

Last night we watched after supper the next two episodes of “ Mr. Selfridges ” – I introduced Brenda to all the character’s as she was otherwise engaged this time last week! She is now into the programme and likes Jeremy Piven’s smile – he plays the title role.

Thought for the Day; See above.



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