Friday, January 24, 2020


FRIDAY 24th/ JANUARY 2020.

We had a nice lie in this morning, which we both needed, after a rather exhausting/straining evening, last night, Brian & Andy called in, just as we were about to have our supper, they had been in ‘ Bar Castillo and overheard a conversation about our car, it turns out that it has been left on the car park of ‘ Super Sol’ with bricks behind the wheels!! We shot down with them and found it locked, we don’t have a spare key, our ‘ Garage Man’ ( no problems for ten years!) has gone ‘Rogue’ and has been using it, as well as causing more damage,  he might have not done any of the repairs and even not taken it to the ‘ ITV- MOT’ -  he has not answered our calls, since he bluffed us off, twice, we called into the local ‘Police Station’ to report it, as well as trying the ‘Guardia Civil Station’ (closed) and also as at his house! (no reply!)  A friendly ‘Garage Man’ is now helping us, by arranging a pick-up truck, to, if possible, bring it back to his garage this morning/today? We are waiting to hear from him ASAP!! Lots of other ‘ locals’  have been very helpful, as they heard about our problem with him. Watch this space.

PS; The breakdown people have just called to see us and are going down now (fingers crossed)

After freshening up we had our breakfast, we have cancelled today’s ‘Travels’ – we were going down on the local Bus, first thing, to go to ‘Movistar’- to replace a key card in my mobile phone, after dropping it, then to a ‘Jewellers’ for a new battery for Brenda’s watch, the ‘English Bookshop’ for the newspapers, then our main shop in ‘Mercadona’ and lastly ‘Super Sol’ for the essentials! So now tomorrow lunchtime our dear friend Leah ( Miss Bella ) is picking us up, to help us with the shopping!

It has only just now stopped raining, since yesterday evening, it’s still very cold, grey and overcast, with a stiff breeze, so by lunchtime it’s only going to reach 14 degs+ with more rain to come later, overnight down to 8 degs, tomorrow it staying the same.

Then on Sunday as the new ‘ Atlantic’ front comes in, its’ all change, as the breeze drops, the sunshine returns to the ‘ Costa Del Sol’ – partly cloudy at times, with a clear and blue sky back to sunny Manilva,  going a little warmer each day, back up to 18 degs+ and 21/22 degs by next weekend! Watch this space.

So last night’s supper, was cancelled, we had a very late supper of ‘Cold Smoked Ham with ‘Campo’ Fried Eggs, Heinz Baked Beans and Chips’ after I returned! This evening our ‘ Fish Supper’ has also been cancelled also, as we have the de-frosted ‘ Chicken Wings’ to use up, they are seasoned & grilled and served with finely sliced ‘ French’ Green Beans and Baked Potatoes, tomorrow night’s ‘ Steak Night ‘is still on!  On Sunday we are going to have some ‘ Comfort Food’ after all the tribulations of this week, Brenda has requested my classic “ Lancashire Hotpot “

For the rest of the day we are taking things as they come, we have had enough excitement for the moment,  staying inside and keeping as warm as possible ( only one Oil Heater!) - thankfully we have lots of local friends to help us at this difficult time, not everybody is ‘ -------‘ !

Thoughts for the Day;  See above.


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