Tuesday, July 02, 2019


TUESDAY 2nd/ JULY 2019.

Brenda was up first this morning, to see little ‘ Miss Bella’ back with us for the day, she comes running up our street and dives onto the main settee, she’s now at my feet as I start to typing/post today’s Blog, after freshening up we had a light breakfast of sliced, chilled Nectarines ( delicious!) toast & tea, to set us up for another long, hot day ahead.

Overnight the stiff breeze was rattling all the shutters around the village, it was still a very uncomfortable night, this morning it’s dropped a little and the sky is partly cloudy, the sun has broken through and by lunchtime it will reach 29 degs+ - if we didn’t have the breeze, yesterday evening and this morning, it would be ‘ Scorching’ – in parts of Spain, inland, up to the low 40s! The rest of the week is looking very hot & sunny, going up to 31/32 degs by Saturday, next week is also going to be a ‘ hot-one’ – hovering in the high 20s, higher at times, the breeze is due to pick up later in the week, keeping it just right, watch this space.

In the early evening, last night, we walked around/down to the local Surgery, as we had our regular appointments with the Council ‘ Chiropodist, Carmen, we took little’ Bella’ with us, Brenda had to carry her most of the way, because the tiled pavements in the sun were too hot, we only just made it back as were both ‘ Knackered’ to say the least, if the breeze had not been blowing, in the shade, it would have been just too hot!

Yesterday evening, after ‘ Bella’ had been picked up, we decided to go out for supper, for a breath of fresh air, which is what we got, as the breeze was blowing down from the mountains behind the village (a Poinente ) – we went up to ‘ Cafeteria Nacho’ for a light ‘Tapas’ supper, later today ‘ Bar Castillo’ is due to re-open after their holidays, last night’s  planned ‘ Supper’ is now this evenings supper!  One day at a time!!  

This evening, after supper we will be watching the first ‘Semi-Final’ of the “ Fifa Women’s World Cup “- taking place in the ‘ Groupama Stadium’ in Lyon, as the ‘ Lionesses’ – England, play the USA, the defending champions, three times winners and ranked number one!

Yesterday at ‘ Wimbledon’ – the teenage sensation Cori ‘Coco’ Gauff, just 15 years old, beat Venus Williams, 39 years old, her idol, the five times winner of the title, in the first round, 6-4,6-4 !

We are in our ‘ Lock-Down’ mode, with all the fans on, keeping as cool as possible, the shutters down, staying indoors during the day, drinking lots of cold water, light/minimum clothes etc, simple, light food, with little cooking needed, relaxing and taking long ‘ Siestas’- in the dark!  we will ‘ Survive ‘ !!  Watch this space.

Thoughts for the Day;  See above.


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