Friday, February 28, 2014




Last night at about 6-00pm I was taken rather not well with severe lower renal colic/bowl pains; after trying all sorts of things including Brenda shooting around to the chemists by 8-00pm it was no better and she had to call for an ambulance! So by 9-00pm I was in the ‘Costa Del Sol’ hospital on the far side of Marbella!!

When you first arrive at the Emergency department it seen very quiet as they sign and tag you in, you then go through the doors to the large waiting room that is full; you are assessed quickly and the ‘Triage system ‘kicks in so I waited for about an hour to see the doctor, then another hour for an X-Ray, then another hour to see the doctor again and get some treatment. The waiting room is rather hot and full of ‘Sick’ people?! – Mainly is seems like severe flu symptoms and minor injuries and it gets rather uncomfortable as you wait your turn.

Now for the good news as I was looked after by a very nice nurse who turned out to be a local lady born in the next street to us in sunny Manliva, many thanks to Gema Lopez who soon had me on the road to recovery, her sister works in the Town Hall, we know her aunty and all her family and of course she knows everybody that we know in the village! It’s a small town/world!

By then it was nearly 2-00am as we found a taxi outside the front entrance to take us home to sunny Manilva after one ‘Helluva’ evening! A nice cup of tea and toast was administered to me by my personal nurse, thanks Brenda for holding my hand xx

This means that I’ am not out and out and about in sunny Manilva today to record today’s festivities; I will post later some pictures as they appear from the council photographer and Gary of the Resident newspaper! Brenda has just taken the dog and the camera for a walk – watch this space as the village brass band is just starting to march along Calle Mar.!!

As you can see above the assistant camera photographer/reporter has just returned after taking the pictures with dog in one hand and the camera in the other - well done and thanks to Brenda !

Meanwhile over in Australia the 'Gang of Four' have left Melbourne and are on the second leg of their adventure as they travel overland in the outback stopping at 'Kings Canyon' and then onto the famous 'Ayers Rock' Can't wait for the pictures.

On the food front we did not have our second filling of ‘Braised Steak and Onions’ last night and the planned menus have been thrown into somewhat of confusion! Poached Eggs on toast for breakfast and back to bed for me today! Chicken soup with Melba toast for lunch - I'am being spoilt by the nurse!! Well after a good rest I'am up and feeling a lot better than this time last night,I had a shave and a shower and I'am feeling like a new man !

PS; Happy ‘Global Scouse Day’ to all the people of Liverpool all over the world; sadly no scouse for me today so it will have to wait to next week!!

Thought for the Day; See above.



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