Thursday, December 26, 2013



Well they say that the ‘best laid plans of man and’ – as I was awoken at 6-30 am by Charlie to go for his first walk of the day! Now for the really bad news, the Atlantic storm as forecast hit us over night and by 6-31 am it was at its height! The wind was at storm force and the rain was blowing horizontally up our street!! Both the dog and I came back looking like we had just been washed in! The rest of the day was the same so we did not see Chipsa.

After a little lie for all of us we set too to get our side of the Xmas Day feast on the go; I roasted the two Crowns of Turkey followed by the Roast Beef joint, then made a large pan of my famous finger coating Gravy, the savory stuffing was Cranberry & Chestnut, later before we were picked up by Dominco at 5-0pm I roasted a large tray of my special Duck fat Roast Potatoes and lastly we whipped the cream to top of the trifle! We packed every thing up and took all the necessary bits and pieces including my best Carvening Knife and Fork.

After having our shower and getting dressed up we had a late Xmas Brunch of ‘Smoked Salmon and Scrambled Eggs’ with ‘Kir Royale’ to set us up for the night ahead!

We arrived at Carlos’s house which Tom the pro-gofer is renting and soon realized that we needed all sorts of stuff, a Microwave,Tabel Knives,Cloths,Tabel Mats, Napkins etc; Caros shot off and came back with everything as we opened up the large table and set it. the family stared arriving in dribs and drabs, Mano and Anna, Sally Ann with Dylan and then Anna Mari and Fabio. See the picture above. Sally brought her contributions along including lots of assorted bottles of wine, Red &White,Cava,Pink Cava and Sherry.

Meanwhile I was in the very small kitchen finding out what worked and how, sorting all the food out and finding the crockery to serve it all on! Sally got her Lobster Salad ready with the beautiful fresh small Lobsters that she had bought, she also had all the vegetables ready, Baby Garden Peas with Ham, Brussels Sprouts and mashed Carrots, Parsnips Chips, Braised Onions in a white cream sauce along with the ‘Pigs in Blankets and her homemade Yorkshire Puddings!

I then had to work out how to heat everything and get it all out hot! I used the Micowave,three rings on the hot-plate, the large Plancha Griddle plate that Carlos also brought along – thank god! I carved the Turkey and Beef onto large serving plates that Sally had donated – we the had lift off with Brenda’s and Sally’s help, most of the vegetables went on the table and I served the meats and the Roast Potatoes with my good-old large/trusty serving spoon & fork which I’ve had for over fifty year!

A memorable Xmas dinner for all sorts of reasons went down very well and was enjoyed by all – I think! By then the proceeding got loud and noisy as we had a game of table Bingo which came within the special Xmas Crackers from ‘Marks and Spencer in Gibraltar!’ ( Fabio won!) All this time Charlie was wandering around taking in the sights and sounds, he also had his Xmas dinner and ate it all up! One satisfied customer anyway!!

Later Peter and Barbara came along with their three children,Jake,Megan and Leah as they live only a couple of doors way, so the festivities really took off and go very loud and boisterous!! The ‘Trifle’ and other Desserts that Sally had made will have to wait for another day.

Dominico dropped us back up to our house with Charlie sat on my knee in the Jaguar to end a ‘ Helluva’ Xmas dinner! It was then time for his final walk of the day,luckly the rain and winds  had stopped as forecast and in fact it was mild! Result !!

Thought for the Day; See above.


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