Monday, May 06, 2013


MONDAY 6th/ MAY 2013

This morning it is even warmer and tomorrow it is up to 26/27degs! After our tea and toast we have been for a walk with Cheta in the village; we are having a lazy day and this afternoon will spend some time on the roof terrace reading as in the early evening I have an appointment at the Hospital over in Marbella with my Kidney Consultant for a check up and review.Mostly good news,the consultant was happy with my weight loss and my blood tests showed better results so she has signed me off,but at the same time she has adjusted my tablets and medication to control my blood pressure and help with my Diebetes readings - but the not so good news is that I have to go and see a Internal Medical consultant to be accessed for a new treatment to control my Insulin levels and at the same time it helps with your weight loss by reducing your appetite - It's all down to loosing weight! So its wait and see !!

This afternoon I will watch the ‘Giro d’Italai’ stage on the large PC as it makes it way along the ‘Amalfi’ coast, which should be spectacular from the helicopter shots. It was a Helluva stage with two climbs and a downhill 20km finish as Luca Paolini won and took the Pink jersey - Wiggins stays second and is ahead of his rivals.

When we get back from the hospital for supper we are having guess what – more of the Hotpot – I made a smaller dish at the same time! Below I have posted some of the pictures from the weekend here on the sunny Costa Del Sol.

Thoughts for the Day;

A man who does not think for himself does not think at all.  What we think, we become. If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can’t, you are right.



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