Wednesday, January 22, 2014



Overnight we had some heavy rain as the forecast changed last evening but now it’s back to normal, blue sky, sun and a little breeze for the rest of the week and over the weekend with the temperatures reaching 15/16degs.After breakfast I went around to the surgery for my re-appointment with our doctor; all ok and all my reports updated and my prescriptions checked ready for next weeks appointment with my ‘Prostrate’ consultant a week today!

Brenda walked down to the surgery with dog and came back to the house with me after I came out.

When I came back from the surgery I got tonight’s supper on the go; “Chicken &Mushroom Tarragon Pie” – I first dice the Chicken and dust it in seasoned flour then brown it off in foaming Butter, I then chop all the vegetables into small dice, Onions, Celery, Leeks, Carrots and Mushrooms – sweat them all off and add my secret ingredients and a slug of Brenda’s white wine – with lots of Tarragon herbs, it’s then time to add the Chicken to the pan and top up with a rich Chicken and Vegetable stock, I then let it cook out before adding some Béchamel sauce and Cream to taste – check the consistency and then fill the pie dish ready for tonight when I cover it with Puff Pastry and bake in the oven!

Brenda has gone mad on the vegetable as Mano (He likes his ‘Greens’) is joining us after work; Cabbage with Alcelgas, mixed Baby Carrots & Garden Peas,plain Broccoli florets  and diamond-cut Green Beans! Baked potatoes and twice-cooked small square Chips will make it one ‘Helluva’ Pie!!

At 8-00pm Mano did not arrive so I rang him at 8-15pm and he said he would be 15mins - 45mins later still no sign or call so I rang him again and told him to " F----- It !! We are still waiting for a reason/excuse !!
PS; The pie was delicious as was Brenda's vegetables !

Last night after our supper which we enjoyed particularly the deep-fried crispy Onions which I did at the last minute, sliced and dipped in milk & flour before dropping then in the very hot/smoking Oil ! - We channel hopped and just watched some local programmes as the films were not very interesting.

Thought for the Day; See above.




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